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Send Launchpad Notification from BTP Workflow


Hi Experts,
I need to integrate BTP WorkFlow with Launchpad notifications.

Currently I can send notifications with User Task and Starter (both ui modules).

I would like to know if it is possible to send notifications using Script Task or Service Task and how.

Also I would like to know how to connect the notification to the Task or to a Workflow Instance or at least connect it to the MyInbox app inside an Launchpad Site.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Giampaolo,

script tasks are quite surely no option here. They are all about interacting with the workflow context and some workflow-instance-specific role configurations. So if Launchpad notifications have a REST API, service tasks are the way to go.

What does "connect" technically mean in your further requests?



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Hi Tobias,
to send notifications it is necessary to make 2 different calls, the first to an address to obtain a token to be extracted from the response header, the second to another address using the token just obtained in the request header (here). I don't think there is a way to extract the token from the response header, am I right?

By "connect" I mean the possibility to act in some way on the notification to get directly to the Workflow Task or to MyInbox inside Launchpad Site.

In short, when the user receives the notification, acting on it, he can see the workflow task that triggered it.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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