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set the size of the widget, hide secondary value using css for numeric chart

0 Kudos

Hi Team,

Can someone please help me in getting the CSS(class/function) code for the below requirement

1. Set the size(length , breadth) of the numeric chart widget and

2. Need to hide the secondary values, secondary labels.



0 Kudos

Hi Team,

Can someone please update.

1. Set the size(length , breadth) of the numeric chart widget : my purpose for this css code is - I have many number of numeric point widgets for which need to have same numeric widget size. PFB screenshot and css code

.tempate_numeric_widget .sap-custom-chart-widget
{	background-color : #deebf7;	
.tempate_numeric_widget .sap-custom-chart-tooltip-primary-label
	color            : #000000    ;
	font-size        : 24px    ;
	font-weight      : bold       ;

.tempate_numeric_widget .sap-custom-chart-tooltip-primary-value
	color            : #000000    ;
	font-size        : 24px        ;
	font-weight      : bold       ;
.tempate_numeric_widget .sap-custom-chart-title
	color :   #000000    ;
	font-size : 24px    ;
	font-weight  : bold ;

2. Need to hide the secondary values, secondary labels : need css code to hide the secondary values , labels and variance to reflect the same in all the numeric widgets.

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To be honest you don't need any scripting to solve this.

1.Simply create one numeric point chart,

2.Manually format it (size, fonts etc etc)

3. Copy /paste it, then simply edit the measures displayed in it