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Show assigned persons on access enabled dimension in a story

Hi Damian,

thanks a lot for this really interesting blog.

We have set one dimension of our planning model to authorization-relevant. Then we have added users and teams with write or read-access to individual hierarchy nodes.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to filter on individual users or teams on the fields write / read in the dimension.

Also it is not possible to evaluate via a story who is authorized on which hierarchy node.

Do you know a way how we can systematic evaluate the user rights that have been set on the dimension? We would prefer a report which includes the hierarchy node and the type of access (read /write) and the user / team name.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Best regards


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi bikerin99,

The data access relevant property currently is not exposed in story table widget. One alternative would be to duplicate both read and write property column, and use the copied ones in story.

Best regards, William

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Hi william.yu ,

thanks a lot to suggest that workaround. Its not perfect, but it will do.

Best regards
