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SORT in a BSP applicaiton doesnt work

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

In my BSP Application , I use a table and below is code for the

      <htmlb:tableView id              = "WRKLST"
                       headerText      = "My Worklists"
                       headerVisible   = "true"
                       design          = "alternating"
                       visibleRowCount = "<%= RowCount%>"
                       filter = "SERVER"
                       sort   = "server"
                       fillUpEmptyRows = "TRUE"
                       emptyTableText   = "No entries found"
                       onHeaderClick   = "MyEventHeaderClick"
                       onRowSelection  = "rowselection"
                       selectionMode   = "multiselect"
                       table           = "<%= IT_WRKLIST %>"
                       iterator ="<%= iterator%>" >

But the sort is not very efficient. ie., it always sort only on the first click of the header 's. and also it sort only on key field.

Can anybody suggest me an option , so that on every click it sorts ascending / descending based on the click of the header.

ie., If the user clicks on 'Partner Name' , it should sort the table content based on Partner name and if the click on 'Priority', it should sort on priority.

Please suggest.



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Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Shiny

Please check these posts.

I think you will need to sort the table yourself and then have the page refreshed.



Kind Regards

/Ricardo Quintas

0 Kudos

Thanks Ricardo ..It helped

But I'm not able to capture whether it is sort ascending or descending. Because the variables gets refreshed each time.

