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Sybase 16 install fails at "Launching installer"

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I have created a sybase user and downloaded and unzipped the contents of the Sybase16.0 folder to the /opt/sap directory on my RHEL 8.7 Dell R350

When trying to run ./setup.bin the installer starts and fails. See output below.

I have tried this as sybase and root users. Same results with both.

[root@hostname sap]# ./setup.bin

Preparing to install...

Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...

Unpacking the JRE...

Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...

Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

[root@hostname sap]#

As shown above the installer starts and then fails to launch. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have struggled to find a current relevant helpful/useful document that outlines the installation and configuration procedure for Sybase 16 express edition on RHEL 8.7

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Hi Andrew,

What setup.bin first tries to do is check if it should run in graphical or console mode.

In what kind of environment is your shell running? Some windowing system?
Is the environment variable $DISPLAY set?

If so, unset it and try again.

It's just a guess, but the output you get is exactly what you get when setup.bin opens an installer window in which you click 'cancel'.

Best Regards,
