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Timestamp for Data Import in SAC


Hi all,

is it possible to set a timestamp for the data import in SAC? So to have in addition to the timestamp of the objects (created at, updated at) the timestamp of the data import. That would be benefical, because the admin or user of SAC then can know on the first glance how up-to-date the data is (when the last import was).

Any tips how to implement?

Thanks and regards


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Comment (limited to 500 chars):

This is actually doable in the new model. You'd want to create a "imported at" dimension. Then in the wrangling for the load job, do the following. Create a new column, using the WEL expression "[ImportTime] = Now()" and map this column this to your imported time dimension.

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I have tried this with a model of my own and only seem to be able to get it at day level when I need a timestamp, do you happen to have any suggestions as to where I am going wrong?