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Unable to add the .db File into the SAP ASE Server.

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Hi All,

We are quite new to SAP ASE

Our Agenda is to Install Sybase Database and import the .db file provided to us by the client.

We have installed the Sybase from using the Enterprise Edition.

We have got an Interactive SQL server and the Enterprise Edition has come up with 3 servers,




we were able to open the DESKTOPMUC18 server in the Interactive SQL. However we are not able to see any where how to upload the .db file which we got.

Is there any way you can help us in the following.

1. First of All for installing the Sybase database are we in the right track or our installations or wrong?

2. How to Upload a .db File if our installation is correct.

3. If we are wrong can you pls suggest the Correct Sybase Database to install.

Any help on this would be really Appreciated

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These are the installation screenshots we have

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I have attached the Screenshots of my installations in previous comments please help.

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Hi harsha310890,

A few reactions...

First off, asking your client would seem to be the most direct way to get the best answer. For ASE, the most likely thing this .db file would be is a dump file, to be loaded using the LOAD DATABASE command. However, the ASE server has to be created with the same page size as the database the dump came from, and configured for the same character set and sort order, and a database created in the ASE server of the right size to hold the dump contents, and it seems unlikely a client wouldnt have given you the steps needed to set up the server and load a dump file.

Second is that it unusual to have a file with a .db extention in an ASE environment. File extentsions for ASE are arbitrary; it is fairly common to use .dev or .dat for database devices, .dmp, .trn, or .tran for dump archive files, .bcp, .txt, or .dat for data files. .db is unusual for ASE. It is, however, common for another SAP (former Sybase) database product, SQLAnywhere. Are you sure you are supposed to be using ASE here?

We can try assuming the file is an ASE database dump file and try to load it. If we are very lucky, it will load. Otherwise it will give us error messages that will help us figure out what we need to do to load it, or that will tell us it isn't an ASE dump after all.

Start by creating a minimal sized database and trying to load the dump:

create database test on default
load database test from "filename.db" -- substitute actuall full pathname for your .db file in the double quotes.


It may complain about the page size, database size, or character set - indicating it is an ASE dump, or something else that essentially translates into "I don't know what this file is, but it isn't an ASE dump file".


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Hi Bret,

First of all thank you so much for the response. I tried the same statements but i am unable to see the database which is created it is not allowing me to see the database created.

here are the screenshots

CREATE DATABASE SampleDB on default

and here are the databases available.

Please help me in getthing this done. First of all are we in Sybase database?

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Hi Bret,

ALso for Older Sybase is ASE Supported, if not what should be used for the Older Sybase to run the dump of .db file.

Please suggest

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Yes, the output does look like you are logged into a SAP Sybase ASE server.

It does not look like the CREATE DATABASE SampleDB was successful - but if any error was returned, it isn't shown in these screenshots.

We can ignore that for the moment, however. The output shows that the server was created with the pubs2 and pubs3 example databases installed. These aren't important and are easy to rebuild, so we can use one of them instead. Try running

load database pubs2 from "filename.db" -- substitute actual full pathname for your .db file in the double quotes.

I don't understand your question about "Older Sybase is ASE supported".
Here are a few points related to support and old versions:

SAP development currently only supports (meaning "will fix bugs") ASE 16.0 SP03 and SP04.
SAP Support does provide support (meaning assistance, troubleshooting, advice) for older versions.
ASE generally supports loading database dumps from an older version to a newer version provided the
platform, page size, character set and sort orders are the same.
If you want to load a dump from a higher version ASE to a lower version, you may be able to, but it generally requires running sp_downgrade or sp_downgrade_esd to verify that the database isnt using any features that aren't available on the older version.

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bret.halford Any help on this please