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When I add a relationship PK to FK from Parent to child entity the FK ikon doesnt appear ?

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When I add a relationship PK to FK from Parent to child entity the FK ikon doesnt appear ?

I have been building logical data model using SAP Power designer and I can tell you from my experience the tool is buggy and is not consistent .

I use local workspace to do all my work and then checkin the changes( all by default to repo) .

I have noticed many times when I use the ONE TO MANY relationship tool ikon from the Tool box the pk and fk relationship gets added but the FK ikon doesnt appear.

If this is a known issue please let me know what I should be doing to resolve this ?

Example :

Parent entity has PK attibute say xyz when I connect it to child entity and establish relationship xyz appears with no FK ikon next to it.

Power designer version

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Please submit the screenshot of a simplified example as in above communication,
or you may open a case with Product Support submitting a repro model.
Kind regards

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This gets resolved with the following series of actions .

1. Save my changes

2. Checkin in my changes

3. Close the model

4.Reopen the model by checking out.

Unfortunately not a great user experience as during design time the desktop model doesnt show icons.