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Why doesn't SAP CI OData API v1 working using the OData adapter anymore?



I have tried to use the SAP CI OData API( for exploring one of it's capabilities and it seems it is not behaving same as before.

While trying to fetch the Metadata in the OData adapter v2, it is always failing with the error WstxUnexpectedChar exception. This seems to happen because the service returns an html page instead of what is requested. Same behaviour in Postman and described also by someone else here(

"<html><head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /><script> document.cookie="fragmentAfterLogin="+encodeURIComponent(location.hash)+";path=/";document.cookie="locationAfterLogin="+encodeURIComponent(location.href.split('#')[0].split([1])+";path=/";document.cookie=""

It seems related to Cookies, but I find no information on the SAP pages for how to fix it. Do you have any information?


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