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SAC Workspaces - not possible to export



recently SAP has introduced the Workspaces concept in SAC. I think it is really interesting and we immediately started to use it. Initially, we wanted to keep a separate Workspace for Prototypes, OSS Incidents, and SAC Testing (to not keep technical content in the business directory - Public). However, we've just realized that it is not possible to export content from Workspace, it means:

  • If I need to export TGZ for SAP Support to let them work on the OSS incidents, it is not possible.
  • If I need to move my prototype from Development to a Productive environment, it is not possible.

I am speechless. I am not looking for the solution, as it is already confirmed that this is the Workspace limitation (or feature?):

It means that Workspaces should be used only by SAC clients:

  • With one tenant only
  • Developing directly on the production

So, I have a question: can someone explain, why SAP even decided to introduce Workspaces in this limited form? Why not wait till it is usable? To let us test, waste time, and realize the feature is useless?

I know, this post is full of frustration, but I would really appreciate if someone, especially from SAP, can help me understand, why SAP introduced the feature which can't be used by Enterprise customers, or maybe, I am wrong and I don't understand how to use Workspaces? For now, I just think it was not really well thought out, I hope it is only for Workspaces, not the SAC roadmap in general.

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Active Contributor

jefb sentence describes it perfectly in my opinion... sad but true:

I guess it's the downside of a SAAS product developed in an Agile way?

Unfortunately nowadays IT or Dev. Departments have to define themselves via delivered scope items ... regardless of the useability or the maturity ... at least you got delivered "what you promised" ... never promise too much, so you will never deliver too little ... from their perspective.

From customer perspective this is not satisfying at all 😞

BR, Martin

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yesterday, a detailed video was published on the SAP Analytics channel

Thanks avsalynin, 3 months late but at least it's here 🙂

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Hi Mateusz,

First of all, let me say I understand your frustration. I to come across features that are released but are far from finished. On the other hand, you have to realize there are already customers that can use workspaces as it is introduced today. So it's always a trade-off to wait and deliver to fulfill the need of most customers or to already provide a feature for a subset.

I'm not a fan of the concept of the workspace as it has been released today so I just left it until it's more mature and becomes more useable.

If you have some good ideas about what is missing and which is not on the roadmap yet, please submit an improvement request: SAP Customer Influence.

Kind regards,

Martijn van Foeken | Interdobs

Active Contributor

I guess it's the downside of a SAAS product developed in an Agile way?
But there must be some minimum viable scope & some basic quality checks (life cycle management) in mind.

There are other examples in the product, but Workspaces definitely surprised me... in many different ways.

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have you seen plans to add this in the next quarter?


Yes, I've seen, and I even have this available in my fast-track tenant. Still, I don't understand why to include Workspaces in Q4.2021, instead of waiting for the working solution. Alternatively, it could be added, but with clear information that the export is not yet supported. Meanwhile, Workspaces are introduced and no one even mentioned this ridiculous limitation.

From What’s New in SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Digital Boardroom Release 2021.15: This new feature helps to organize tenants with large deployments, restrict access to content not intended for mass sharing, and introduce delegated content administration for a partition of the file repository.

I have a large deployment with 3 tenants with dozens of SAC Developers, so I wonder how I should work with Workspaces: ask developers to develop in Production, as it is not possible to export content from the development environment?

It is just ridiculous, they should wait 3 months and introduce Workspace with an export feature from the first day. Now, after Q1, instead of using Workspaces, I will just wonder what else is not working in workspaces.