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SAP CAP Fiori elements v4 Object Page table - Edit failure



I have built a SAP CAP application with fiori elements using a local odata v4 service.

The minimal entity definitions are as follows

annotate Solutions with @odata.draft.enabled;
entity Solutions : cuid {
  name            : String(100);
  description     : String(255);
  services        : Composition of many RequestedServices
                      on services.solution = $self;

entity RequestedServices : cuid {
  expectedMonthlyUsage : Integer;
  maxUsage             : Integer;
  warningUsage         : Integer;
  solution             : Association to Solutions;

The annotations have been setup in a fiori-service.cds file as follows:

//Solutions List Report and Object Page
annotate service.Solutions with @(
    UI : {
        HeaderInfo       : {
            $Type          : 'UI.HeaderInfoType',
            TypeName       : '{i18n>Solution}',
            TypeNamePlural : '{i18n>Solutions}',
            Title          : {
                $Type : 'UI.DataField',
                Value : name
            Description    : {
                $Type : 'UI.DataField',
                Value : description
        Identification   : [{Value : name}],
        LineItem         : [
            {Value : name},
            {Value : description}
        Facets           : [{
            $Type  : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
            Label  : '{i18n>RequestedServices}',
            Target : 'services/@UI.LineItem'
        FieldGroup #Main : {
            $Type : 'UI.FieldGroupType',
            Data  : [
                {Value : name},
                {Value : description}
        HeaderFacets     : [{
            $Type  : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
            Label  : '{i18n>SolutionDetails}',
            Target : '@UI.FieldGroup#Main'
    //To allow updatable on child "RequestedServices" entity
    Capabilities : {
        NavigationRestrictions : {
            RestrictedProperties : [
                    NavigationProperty : services,
                    UpdateRestrictions : {
                        Updatable : true

//Requested Services List Report in Object page
annotate service.RequestedServices with @(
    Capabilities.UpdateRestrictions : {
        Updatable: true
    UI : {
        HeaderInfo : {
            $Type          : 'UI.HeaderInfoType',
            TypeName       : '{i18n>RequestedService}',
            TypeNamePlural : '{i18n>RequestedServices}'
        LineItem   : [
                Value                   : entitledService_ID,
                ![@Common.FieldControl] : #ReadOnly
                Value                   : servicePlan_ID,
                ![@Common.FieldControl] : #ReadOnly
                Value                   : expectedMonthlyUsage,
                ![@Common.FieldControl] : #ReadOnly
            {Value : warningUsage},
            {Value : maxUsage},
                Value                   : cost,
                ![@Common.FieldControl] : #ReadOnly
                Value                   : costCurrency_code,
                ![@Common.FieldControl] : #ReadOnly

In the manifest.json of the fiori app I have also set the "editableHeaderContent" to true for the object page

"RequestedServicesObjectPage": {
  "type": "Component",
  "id": "RequestedServicesObjectPage",
  "name": "sap.fe.templates.ObjectPage",
  "options": {
	"settings": {
	  "editableHeaderContent": true,
	  "entitySet": "RequestedServices" 

When I run the application, I am able to view and click the edit button which gets the page into edit mode.

This seems as expected behaviour. However, when I enter any data in the editable fields in the table of Requested Services (which is a child entity of Solutions), I get an error

I was expecting that based on the annotations set for NavigationRestrictions, Updatable: true on the parent Solutions entity and the Capabilities.UpdateRestrictions {Updateable: true} on the child RequestedServices entity, it would set the table to draft mode (i.e it would internally set the IsActiveEntity=false flag on the RequestedServices entity) so the child records could be edited.

I tried following the documentation at but I could not get this to work.

Any solutions on how to edit records of a child entity in a table of an object page ?



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Any help on how to get the child RequestedServices entity in draft mode when the Edit button is clicked for the parent Solutions entity ?



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So after some more investigation, it seems the issue is instead with cds-pg adapter for PostgresDB and it works fine with sqlite.

Here is a link to a similar issue:

Hopefully this helps others 🙂

