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SAP Cloud ALM - Email Notifications

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Hello together, I am currently working in the SAP Cloud ALM. Is there a way to be notified by email when, for example, someone creates a task and assigns it to me, or changes are made to a task I am assigned to?

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Don't forget add required additional properties. Honestly, I didn't manage to set up smtp gmail or office365. So I tried my private webhosting :-).

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Hi Brad, I have created the destination in a BTP subaccount connected to the Cloud ALM. Unfortunately I did not get this email notification option in the settings.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Sorry, just seeing this comment now. We are setting up the SMTP ourselves and will share any lessons learned. In the meantime, please log an SAP Incident under SV-CLM-IMP and someone should be able to confirm the configuration is correct and working. I'll share the same once confirmed.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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fyi, I am seeing reference the user will have needed to receive the notification previously to see the new option for notifications (means they will only see them if they have received the notification previously). I am asking the Processor to check with Development on how to enable the notifications for anyone who has NOT received the notification previously. I'll share what I learn.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

SAP has released a KBA detailing how to setup email notifications. It includes much the same information as above. It also appears for the user to see the notification options, they must have previously been assigned to a Feature, Requirement, Defect, Task, etc. The below is from the Cloud ALM Demo tenant for a widely-used user. However, I am still trying to confirm how it works if not previously assigned. You might check with someone who was previously assigned a Feature, Defect, Task etc. to see if the notifications via their Fiori Launchpad are visible for them?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I was curious as well as I was not seeing the additional notifications options either. It appears you need to configure an SMTP Mail Destination in your BTP Subaccount. Link will be:

The below is from an SAP Incident logged earlier this year.

It is now possible to enable a very basic e-mail notification for the in-app notifications that are currently sent by SAP Cloud ALM:

Project: New Roadmap content updates

Tasks: assigned to you

Tasks: new comment

Requirements: assigned to you

Requirement: new comment

Defects: assigned to you

Defects: new comment

Features: assigned to you

User management: open authorization requests

To enable it, you need to maintain a destination in your BTP subaccount for SAP Cloud ALM. Please see the following documentation:

Once this configuration is done, every user can configure for themselves in their profile settings in SAP Cloud ALM, for which of these notification types they want to receive emails.

Please note that only those types are available for configuration that are relevant for the user, meaning where they have received notifications in the past.

0 Kudos

Hello Fernanda,

thank you for your answer.

Unfortunately, the information does not help me.

It's only about getting an email notification when something changes in a task I'm involved in.

I got from a SAP colleague the following settings from his ALM: Exactly this red framed column is missing in our ALM. How do I get it?

0 Kudos

Would be a nice Feature (perhaps in Future ?)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi, MaximFuchs,

Check KBA 3398039 - SAP Cloud ALM In-App notification is not allowing Email selection as this details the configuration to get this check box.

Best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi MaximFuchs, Check KBA 3398039 - SAP Cloud ALM In-App notification is not allowing Email selection
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Maxim Fuchs,

Thank you for your reply.

On July/2023 we received a similar question in our community and one of our experts sent the following answer:

E-mail notifications in SAP Cloud ALM are configured on a per-application level. There is no central way to enable e-mail notifications for all metrics of a service/system across all SAP Cloud ALM Operations applications at the same time. More information can be found on the Intelligent Event Processing - Setup & Configuration page.

  1. Logon to SAP Cloud ALM.
  2. Open the Notification Management application.
  3. Add the intended recipients e-mail addresses to the "Recipient Management" list.
  4. Navigate back to the SAP Cloud ALM home screen.
  5. Open the Operations application (e.g. Integration & Exception Monitoring) that you want e-mails to be sent for.
  6. Click the "configuration" icon on the tope right of the screen.
  7. Select the service/system that you want e-mail notifications to be sent for.
  8. Select the same service/system again in the pop-up.
  9. Select the "Metrics" tab.
  10. Enable the desired metrics for data collection.
  11. Click the "Events" tab.
  12. Select from the pre-created events in the list or add a Custom event (adding custom events is only offered by some applications).
  13. Scroll to the "Event Actions" section.
  14. Select the option "Send Email to".
  15. Add recipients to the recipient list.
  16. Save the event.
  17. When the event conditions are met, the e-mail will be sent to the recipient.

We also have the following blog SAP Cloud ALM Integration Monitoring for SAP S/4HANA Setup: Email Alert Configuration with more information that can help you too.

In our SAP Help Portal also exists documentation regarding ALM Alerts. Please check the following link: SAP Cloud ALM - Application Help

Kind regards.

0 Kudos
Hi Fernanda, do we have the provision of adding DLs (Distribution List) in notification management?