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SAP Datasphere Catalog integration/usability within SAP Analytics Cloud



Is it possible to link/integrate the Datasphere (DSP) Cataloging features/artifacts to SAP Analytic Cloud artifacts, and if so, what are the options to implement it?

Use case example: We have stories and dashboards in SAC and would like to give the end-users insights about the various terms and KPI's within that specific story/dashboard, without them having to go to Datasphere (DSP) Catalog. Our end-users/consumers of the stories/dashboards, are not intended to have users in Datasphere (DSP). We simply want the content within the DSP Catalog to be visible/usable in the SAC analytics.

Ideal scenario:

1) Creating and Defining the KPI / Term / Asset in DSP and exposing it to SAC.

2) Using the KPI / Term / Asset in an SAC story/dashboard.

3) Having insight to the KPI / Term / Asset's information (definition, etc.) within the story/dashboard (e.g. hovering over it or clicking on it which then leads to the display of the DSP Catalog information).

Any feedback/advise is much appreciated.

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Answers (2)

Answers (2)


I understand your approach of using the SAC as the visualitation Tool for the Catalog.
So far I've not seen that "promoted" by SAP, if I where you I would open a Request here:

However the Catalog Information is probably stored in some kind of technical Tables.
If you manage to identify them (e.g. trace them while you create an Catalog Object) you could create Views on top of that tables and expose them for Consumption.
This would be the same approach like in this Blog where the SAP HANA Runtime information can be displayed in SAC.

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Thank you for your response Julian. I will definitely investigate your suggestions!

How would one go about tracing in DSP while creating a Catalog Object?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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