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SAPGUI shortcuts like CTRL+ALT+arrowdown now require extra Winkey button press


In ABAP editor in SAPGUI i was using CTRL + ALT + arrowdown (and Up) button to move lines up and down a lot, since last week it doesn't work, now i need to press CTRL + ALT + WINKEY + Arrowdown to make it work, is there something I've enabled by my mistake in SAPGUI Settings?


It just generic blog what do i need to look at there?

Active Contributor

Did you install some software, game, which intercepts these shortcut keys?

Did you search in Windows forums? (things like that:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

For information, on my SAP GUI, moving lines works with both Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down and Ctrl+Alt+Win+Up/Down


sandra.rossi I wasn't even using my computer with administrator account but i found the culprit it was updated Intel HD Graphics Control Panel came with Windows Update. It was disabled on Windows startup but it somehow activated itself again. Killing the process doesn't release the key hooks, disabling and restarting computer did the job. Thank you very much.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


I have solved this problem by disabling Intel HD Graphics Control Panel service from starting with Windows and restarting computer, using program's own settings to disable shortcuts doesn't release the key hook.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)


Hello Sercan.

For me this is working fine (both with and without WINDOWS key).

The new ABAP editor allows to customize your keyboard settings in the settings dialog that can be invoked via the button in the lower right corner.

The usual shortcut for moving a line up is CTRL + ALT + 8 (on numpad).

Maybe as a first step you check whether this shortcut (Edit.MoveLinesUp) is listed correctly in the options dialog of the ABAP editor.

If the shortcut is specified correctly, it could also be that an external program is grabbing CTRL + ALT + 8 and does not pass this to SAP GUI. I have seen this for programs creating screenshots or translation tools for example).

Best regards,

0 Kudos

I have checked shortcuts everything seems fine but i can't change it, tried to change it to CTRL + ALT + arrow-left for example, it detected my CTRL + ALT but it doesn't detect my last press of arrow keys if i don't press winkey button. Tried with numlock on and off.

Thanks in advance