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Understanding Finance Model and Missing Total Amount for Actual

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I am trying to understand the finance model. In my model, I am not able to see the Total Amount for Actual. Can someone please help me?

Thank you


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So you have defined the aggregation for Finance as None (not sure why), hence the system is not adding the children's below. If you want the Finance member to show the sum of child members either leave the aggregation as Blank or Sum. ParentId is the Id of the hierarchy. It helps you to know which hierarchy is being viewed in case of multiple hierarchies in the dimension

Hope this helps

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Hi nikhil_1486

Thank you for your help always

My apologies for any confusion.

When I change the aggregation type to 'Sum,' I am able to view the values for in the Finance


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Hi Nikhil, I'm not an expert like you. Can you assist me in calculating the total amount and apologizing for any trouble caused each time

Is there any way to get the amount ?


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As I explained earlier, Your total amount (Financial KPI ) is Net Income. Then you have some drivers, VDT members and then finally Headcount. If you mean Total Amount is adding all this 3 together, its a meaningless KPI. Finance member is just for grouping all members under a common parent. ( Financial KPI, Drivers, Headcount , Value driver Tree) but if you just want to do it for the sake of it change the Aggregation of Finance to Sum and it will add values for all these items depending on aggregation type.

Is there any way to get the amount ? - What Amount ?

Try to understand the reasoning behind explanation given.


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Hi Nikhil in my dataset it shows Aggregation Type is NONE

Can i add Finance Aggregation Type SUM ? i have changed to SUM still i m getting the same PARENTID as ROOT

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The reason its defined as None as This member Node (Finance) is not supposed to perform aggregation. Its defined to just assign a common parent to all member nodes below. When you design hierarchy, some nodes are created for aggregation and some are just created for dummy grouping and text label nodes. Finance in this case is designed to just group the members but not aggregate and show any value in Stories. So you should not expect any values for Finance. Finance node is grouping Net Income, Drivers and FTE. In Financial world adding these 3 together makes no meaning as they are totally unrelated items.

If you define the aggregation as SUM for Finance you will start seeing the addition of members below in stories but that value has no meaning as a Financial KPI.

Hope this helps !!


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Hi Nikhil

Ya the Finance Hierarchy start's with root

but i m really do not know the Parent id is in top i felt it has to start H00000 ( Finance ) instead of ParentID

Sorry to you ask very basic


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Hi Nikhil Thank you very much for the Quick reply

I really felt it was due to ParentID actually the Hirearchy has to start from Finance but i m unable to find where i did wrong .

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You will find the information in grid view. Come out of hierarchy view and then see the information of Finance member. I feel its a text display node. But just check what is the aggregation type for this member Finance


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deepika55You need to see what kind of hierarchy node is Finance and what aggregation behavior is assigned to it. You can find these information in Account dimension.
