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WEBI regression testing and comparing Excel results

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We have just migrated our content from BO V4.2 SP3 P3 to V4.2 SP9. I am doing regression testing by saving the output of selected Webi reports to Excel. I was planning on using Excel's Spreadsheet Compare tool (or Inquire tab from Excel) to show differences. I am running into a problem with the tool showing lots of values as slightly different (like to a millionth of a decimal point).

For example, SP3 P3 value shows $74,266 (74265.52)  and SP9 value shows $74,266 (74265.5200000001).

There are so many of these differences in each spreadsheet, many with multiple tabs.

How can I compare two spreadsheets using a tool without having to do it manually?


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Is there a specific demand to compare using Excel?

If so, consider that there might be rounding issues regarding to the number format that gets exported to Excel, which, as i understand, also depends on universe settings (in case of that) or number conversions in Webi itself. So first thing to do is to check if the excel export itself contains the same values than you would expect in webi.

As you are in 4.2, you have more limitations than you would have in 4.3, like you cannot use OData to access the old BI platform or use Webi as a data source. So i see why you are trying to use excel. But when it comes to differences on that decimal level, it more looks like a data/number conversion issue when exporting the report as excel between the different SP releases, so i would then not export to excel, but to a plain text/csv so that there is no other application doing something with number formatting or conversions like excel could possibly do. Then, comparing text files can be done easily with lots of tools that offer some sort of automation and are free - like Notepad++ comparison or command line tools like "fc" in windows - linux even better tools available i guess -, also using regex to sort out those minimal differences. 

of course it depends on the number of reports you need to compare how much time it makes sense to spend in an automation comparison on that level.

0 Kudos

Bernhard, thank you so much for your response. No, the files to compare do not have to be in Excel, and that was a brilliant suggestion. I started exporting them to text format and am using Notepad++ Compare. It's a breeze.

It's a bit harder with reports with many tabs, but that's ok... I can check those manually.

Again, thank you so much for the suggestion. I really appreciate your response and the details.