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What is the support strategy for @sap Node.js modules?

Active Contributor

Hello @sap Node.js module user,

I've filed SAP Support Incident "765460 / 2022 NPM Package @sap/html5-repo-mock not enabled for Node 16" and there I've got the statement:

"This can be added as a feature request"

I can't understand this as @sap/html5-repo-mock is a SAP maintained and supported Node.JS Module. It should always support at least the Maintenance and LTS Versions of Node.JS.:

So since 25th of October 2022 this are the Releases: 14, 16 (Maintenance) and 18 (LTS).

Which leads me to my general question:

What is the support strategy for @sap Node.js modules?

For @sap/cds it's quite easy to answer via the CAP Release Schedule. But most of the other @sap modules do not have such a documentation page. Their documentaiton and changelog can only be found directly in the package. That why I maintain SAP-NPM-API-collection to keep track of the updates.

Looking forward for any input.

Best Regards

0 Kudos

Hi Gregor,

interesting question, because it tooks always a lot of time to decide, when to update my nodejs environment.

In the past, i maintained it different, because approuter was quite early (in SAP times) followed later by CAP.

Would be interesting to see, if there is a global sap strategy over all packages.

At the moment, it seems that it depends on the maintainer of the package, or in case of cap, that they can influence dependent packages, but fiori etc. is out-of-scope.

Curious about the answer.

Regards Holger

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

For the Node.js runtime in SAP HANA XSA there is SAP Note 2955324 - SAP HANA XS Advanced - Node.js Release and Maintenance Roadmap.

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For HTML5 Repo mock we will release it in the next month