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Member since ‎04-24-2013

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TYPES ty_x TYPE x LENGTH 4. TYPES:BEGIN OF ENUM ty_enum BASE TYPE ty_x, val0 VALUE IS INITIAL, val1 VALUE 1, val2 VALUE 2, val3 VALUE 32, END OF ENUM ty_enum. DATA z TYPE ty_x. z = val1. The type of "VAL1" ca...
Hi all. When I update document with bapi_pr_change it sets delivery date for updated item for today but I need to save date that was set when document created.pritemx-preq_item = pritem-preq_item = '10'.pritem-material = '123'.pritemx-material = 'X'....
Hi all.I created search help in SE11 like IFLMP.I set CALLCONTROL-MULTISEL = 'X' to process multiple records in F4_MATCHCODE_USER_EXIT and at the end of FM RECORD_TAB contains all values I selected.But after all I have only one value in SELECT-OPTION...
Hi all.Here is my problem: I have field in table with fixed domain values. I can get texts for values with FM DD_DOMVALUES_GET.I created CONVERSION_EXIT_ZXCVB_OUTPUT to get text by value.But when I add conversion exit to salv table salv->get_columns(...
Hi all!I'm trying to show a message like this DATA: menge type menge_d, meins type meins. menge = 555. meins = 'ST'. MESSAGE |Amount available { menge } { meins alpha = out } | TYPE 'S'. But I got ST not converted in my native language ( sy-langu ). ...