Member since ‎03-24-2011

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Boa tarde, Configurei os cenários de NF-e em um PI Single Stack 7.50 SP23. Tudo está funcionando conforme o esperado, menos o aviso de recebimento. O erro acaba sendo transparente para o usuário, mas está gerando reprocessamentos no PI sem necess...
Hi experts, I need a regex to use on Replace statement, that clear all xXmlCTe tags on a string. Originally, string don't have line breaks or spaces between tags. <xXMLCTe xmlns:ns0="http://www.teste1.com"> <xXMLCTe xmlns="http://www.teste2.co...
Hi all, I need to retrieve the contents of a PDF file from a REST interface. As PDF contains many unicode characters, the conversion to XML is not successful. Is there any trick to send this PDF to ECC via proxy? Alternatively, content...
Hi all, I have a scenario where I need to retrieve a value from the HTTP Header of a message received on a SOAP Sender, and I need to send the retrieved value to the ECC via IDoc. The parameter is available in the XHeaderName1 variable. Is it po...
Hi experts,It´s possible to add the highlighted workcenters of SM_WORK_INCIDENT_MAN in CRM_UI transaction?