Member since ‎11-28-2019

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  • 21 Posts
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Hi All I want to check weather a char is a "\" [backslash]. char previousChar = 0;<br>if (previousChar != '\\') {<br>//do something<br>} It works with Visual Studio Code (newest Java version) But in the UDF everything after the " ' " appears...
Hi, as novice in CPI, I played around with IFlows. I tried to insert a "Start Event" in my Integration Process (see screenshot). But it's not possible. So I closed and opend the IFlow again. Same result. Do I have to do adjustements? Max
Hi, I login to the SAP One Support Launchpad with my S-User and PW. (See 1st snippet.) downlaod-fail-of-nwds.png When I try to download NWDS 7.5 (snippet 2 and 3) downlaod-fail-of-nwds.png, I am asked for my credetials again. But it isn't accept...
Hi, I facing syntax problem in ABAP. For the line: "if sy-subrc <>." I get the Error-Message, as mentioned in the title. Could you help me? (BTW: The Code is working, if take a "do 18 times"-loop and comment out the if-block.) field-symbo...
Hi I tried to post SQL Statements via JDBC Receiver Adapter. According to documentation like here I built up the structure of my datatype (Message Mapping, right side) I configured the JDBC Receicer Adapter as follows: In the Monitoring...