Member since ‎09-28-2022

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Good day Gurus! Can anyone provide some insight into best practices for how to best handle MOQ split between more than one location? We currently have been using one LOCID for which we map specific level 2 locations (plant) to that LOCID. We are cu...
Good day, Our business users are looking for a way to manage editability permissions for one of our forecast key figures. The requirement is to have the first three months in the planning horizon (current + two) locked with the exception of the fir...
Hello Gurus! I've seen a few posts on this topic but most have been unresolved or are slightly different than our requirement. Here is a summary of our requirement and actions taken thus far: 1. KF1 exists at planning level PRODLOCCUST 2. Th...
Beginner trying to understand better how key figure calcs work; the model config doesn't go into too much detail about this. This question seems simple but I suppose I am overcomplicating my thought process. Say I have: KF1@REQEST= AVG(KF1@MTH...
Hello, I have a requirement from our business to create a new key figure (KF1 for example) that has two conditions. 1. If my current period PERIODID3=$$PERIODID3CU$$", then have KF1 = KF2+KF3+KF4+K5-KF6-KF7 2. Else if period > than current peri...