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Active Contributor
When oddss approached me with the BIF challenge, my first thought was: "How could one pick the most boring introvert in the whole SAP Community user base to write about herself?"

But taking up challenges can be a good thing, I am more than 40 and almost past the shyness stage in my life, so here I am - writing my first blog about me.

So, who am I?

I am a blonde.

And I have a cat.

Well, not really... at least once per month I pay to be a blonde and I don't have a cat.

The cat owns me.

And it was her who insisted that I add this video (no, I am not a crazy cat lady, this is true):

For the better part of the day (and until recently - for some of the night, too) I am a Senior SAP Logistics Consultant (it says so in my contract) and I spend some of my spare time in the Q&A section in SAP Community. Some of you may have seen my posts in the Answers section with SD (Sales and Distribution) tag. SD is not all that am expected to work on, of course, but the questions on quaint topics like WMS or DSD are virtually non-existent, and the S/4HANA tag such a weird mix of everything, that I rarely venture there.

When I am not a SAP consultant, I enjoy reading... I would read anything - fiction, technical stuff, Wikipedia articles, blogs, news. I rarely finish what I started (there are quite a few books from the Vlad Taltos cycle waiting for me), because there are so many distractions.

Like any other person, I watch movies (but I don't like watching TV) and, I am not very ashamed to admit, I still play computer games. These days it is mostly offline games (MMORPGs require too much dedication), but I have not outgrown this passion of mine yet.

How did you wind up working at SAP or working in the SAP ecosystem?

Like most people, who started at the time, it was by chance.

My family were pestering me to get ‘a real job’… (come on,there is nothing wrong with computer maintenance and network support, other than they pay you peanuts and you work late hours, seriously) so I had to go to interviews despite that I really liked my job at the time. Of course, I was blissfully unaware of what I was getting into (evidence here).

What do you enjoy most in your work and why?

Is it because I like helping people? Maybe, and you get to meet more people than if you deal with network support. And you work in an office and not outside on -10°C, which is nice when you get older.

And that SAP is huge and there is always something you can learn.

I guess, it is the freedom in solution design that I enjoy the most – there can be many paths to achieve the same result, but you get to pick the one which is best for the specific case.

What do you like to do in your spare time? OR Share a fun fact/story about yourself that people don’t know

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an adventurer like Thor Heyerdahl. I was so fascinated by the Kon-Tiki expedition, that I decided to build a raft out of bales of hay (the original idea was to make it out of balsa wood, but due to some budget and resource constraints hay was the next best thing). Then I tried the raft in the nearby swamp. Of course, it sank in the middle of the swamp. Luckily, no crew memeber was harmed, I just lost my sneakers and I had to do a bit of explaining when I got home. This is how I learned the importance of testing before you go live.

I would like to pass the challenge to the following people:

  • agentry_src

  • caetano.almeida

  • shailesh.mishra5

What is it that you wanted to try in your work for a really long time but never got the chance?
Which one of your household chores you are most tempted to delegate?
What was your favorite game when you were a kid?
What do you think is the most underrated SAP feature in your area of expertise?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Veselina, and welcome to the #blogitforward family 🙂

It's so funny, I've never met you, but I feel your sense of humor come through in this blog - so you are clearly doing something right!

Charlotte looks very entertaining... Here's my girl about 9 years ago.  Her muzzle is a lot whiter now, but she is still as sweet.

Thanks for sharing!
Active Contributor
Hi Veselina,

Great blog and as always I enjoy reading what you write!  Working on two projects concurrently and expecting another to pop up shortly.  But at some point I will try to write something, but only because of the respect I have for you and our previous interactions.  I see late nights ahead of me as a result when I really should be hoisting a beer or playing soccer.

Hope all is going well with you and love the cat, but not sure the long hair would work with our dander sensitive family members.  We have three cats but all are American short hairs which don't bother us much.

Cheers, Mike
Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos
Thank you for sharing a view into your life with us, Veselina. And also, congratulations on earning Diligent Solver for January already!
For any members not already following you, I would encourage them to do so.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thank you Audrey.

Yes, it took less time than usual to get the badge. Hopefully this is not a bug... 🙂
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Mike,

I am so glad that you are considering to post, even if it may take longer to get to it 🙂

I had similar concerns about taking Charlotte - two of our closest family friends are allergic to cats. I don't know why, but none of them had problems with her. Maybe we just got lucky...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Nice to meet and get to know you veselina.peykova - I have seen a large amount of your answers to questions in the SAP Community and you normally jump in with a great answer before me! Which is all good. I started with SAP security but have also been an SD/LE/DSD Consultant for 20+ years. It is great to see you sharing your knowledge - specifically with troubleshooting difficult questions and providing assistance to others. Well done!

Realise I am not following you so will correct this now!

Thanks for sharing!
Active Contributor
Hi Vesi - I enjoyed your BIF and great seeing a picture of you.

A friend of mine once said "you are a guest in the cat's house".  I guess that's true for all cats 🙂

Good to see you on the community and answering questions.
Active Contributor
Hi Veselina,

Charlotte doesn't seem too happy in the first photo, so thanks for the video.

Here's my owner at the beach, just down the road from our place 🙂

Lots of nice smelly things left behind as the tide goes out !!