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Community Manager

UPDATE Oct 27: This issue is now resolved.  If you have any questions, please search and post in the Questions & Answers application.

As most of you know who have been following the communications around the launch of the new community, on Friday October 7 we instituted a points freeze on SCN, in anticipation of moving to our new community home with a brand new reputation system.

We are now in the midst of our go-live weekend (I'm writing this on Saturday October 8), and in the process of migrating the lifetime points and level for each user from SCN into the legacy reputation section of their new unified profile, we encountered an issue.

The lifetime points report that was pulled had point discrepancies in it that cause a mismatch between what is displayed in the user's old SCN profile and what's displayed in the legacy reputation in the new profile. As soon as we discovered this issue, we immediately requested a new report.

The team responsible for providing the report is still working on fixing it. Therefore, we will not be able to fix any discrepancies in the lifetime points and levels in the posted legacy reputation until sometime after we go live on Monday October 10. Once we receive the corrected report, we will work closely with IT to figure out an estimated timeframe for updating the profiles with this information. We will share more with you at that point.

We apologize for this situation and are working hard to correct it as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.