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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello fellow SAP Community members!

Have you ever wondered how to keep track of all the latest blog posts published in the SAP Community each day?

To start, here's a simple way to never miss a blog post again. Set up a feed in Internet Explorer! This is one of the most popular web browsers available, and the one that I use. You'll see full blog posts including images.

Here's how to do this:

  1. Go to https://blogs.sap.com/feed/

  2. Click on "Subscribe to this feed"

You're done! To view your feed of the latest SAP Community blogs, simply click on the "star" icon in Internet Explorer to see the list of your feeds.

You can also sort and filter the blogs as you like:

Adjust the Feed Properties to change how frequently your computer checks the feeds, and how many of the most recent items you want to keep.

 Only want blog feeds of topics you're interested in?

Easy! Here's how:

  1. Click on a tag (any tag - SAP Tags or User Tags) - My favourites at the moment include SAP Mentors, SAP TechEd, Careers, Using SAP.com. You can search for more blog tags here.

  2. Add "feed" to the end of the url

  3. Follow the steps above to subscribe and view your feeds.

Feeds of your fave bloggers? https://blogs.sap.com/author/USER.NAME/feed


  • This technique only works for Blog content, not for Questions and Answers

  • This technique isn't for everyone, because some may not like like using Internet Explorer, don't like seeing the entire blog (just want the summary), don't like opening another page/browser, or don't want to reduce the view counts of blogs.

I want to thank oliver for sharing this tip with the SAP Mentors and publicly on Twitter.

There are many ways to use RSS feeds on WordPress, and our Community team will be coming out with more features and functionality to help you get the content you care about. I just want to start with an easy one with a common tool many already have. Perhaps in my next blog, I can show you how to set up RSS feeds in your MS Outlook.

Does this help? What tips do you have to help other members find interesting content in the SAP Community?
Active Contributor
Hi Jason,

Ironically noticed this post because of following @BarryNewWave on twitter who does an rss feed to twitter feed, then figured - how about a dedicated twitter channel that feeds off this rss feed. Searched for free RSS to Twitter and found dlvr.it SaaS, created new twitter account, hooked up the rss feed and hey presto...Twitter feed of SAP Community blogs.

Tried to add the rss feed from experience.sap.com but that requires a paid version (that someone at SAP Community should simply just pay for)... So ended up changing it from @sapUXnComBlogs to just @sapCommBlogs.

Anyway, will see how that works for a while, but would love to see a very clean implementation of this (with additional marketing posts and no repeat posts).

FYI - Best way for me to consume this is still via Twitter, and adding to Pocket from my mobile device for later reading if something is of interest. Pity Pocket now hides the author in the posts on the new community (another feature request!).


ps. Ironically, guess what the first tweet is?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Jason
Thanks for sharing this.
Yes, IE is not my favorite Browser and this feed functionality is pretty nice ...

Since we are on the new Plattform every possibility to reach the readers again is welcome.

Best Regards
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Matt, so glad you saw this post, even if by indirect routes! Such a great example of how there are many ways to follow the content we care about. The more we experiment and share our findings the more we can help other community members.

Thanks for setting up @sapCommBlogs and creating the feed. Appropriate first tweet to this blog post about feeds - thanks! Heads up - don't be surprised if you hear from SAP's Social Media Governance folks, but don't worry, they're nice people and would want to understand the purpose of the account and may have suggestions making it more effective.


Active Contributor
Ironically, noticed this post only because I check the SAP Mentor tag periodically. 🙂

Well, this really got my hopes up but here are two problems with this option: 1) doesn't work in Chrome; 2) it shows the whole content instead of just a list. I couldn't find an option anywhere to see just a list of blogs or even to roll up the content in the feed. It's a bit difficult to find when one blog ends and the other starts. (And my hand is already too tired from all the scrolling on SCN, ahem.)

I guess this would be helpful to someone who actually plans on reading every blog in the feed. Anyway, at least it's something, thanks for sharing!
Active Contributor
I just did a test for you, Jelena

There is a RSS Feed Reader for Chrome available, just a second to install the extension.

It shows just headlines and opens the blog in a new window if you click the headline

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Jelena, yes, I was just focusing on Internet Explorer for this post.

Thanks Jurgen for the link and info about the Feed Reader for Chrome!
Active Contributor
I use the Newsblur RSS reader - it is great.

A small query Jason - I wonder why this blog does not seem to appear in the feed? Seems strange!

Graham Robbo
good information, but no need for an Internet Explorer. You can use any rss reader like:

http://www.rssowl.org/ ;
Active Contributor

[Now you all can see this first version (with links!) of my comment, as I found the way to approve it. In case you're interested, read about it in the "Your comment is awaiting moderation."-Bug ]

Hi Jason,

I noticed this post, as I do check the SAP Community overview page  from time to time! ?

I like that blogs on content discovery and how to use what we already have available here seem to be a trending topic!

On the rss feeds: I haven’t tried that out, but might do so.

Was this feature available from the beginning? I thing I remember some people asking for just that?!

I usually find content relevant to me by occasionally visiting the tags im’ interested in (e.g. ABAP  or S/4HANA  ).

Also, as mentioned, I sometimes check the community overview and I regularly check Coffee Corner.


I only very occasionally check my activity stream (it’s just so crowded, even with filters), but if I do, sometimes I discover content because someone I follow likes something.

Also, sometimes I just visit peoples profiles and look at what blogs they wrote!

I think it’s very good that you ask us about our ways for content discovery, as there are so many possibilities, and we can learn from each other!

Also, for an author who wants his content to reach an audience, it’s good to know the ways the readers take. For example I really do like if SAP-folks having important Community-Content do take the time to link in Coffee Corner as well!


Thanks a lot for your blog and the opportunity on talking about content discovery it provides!




Active Contributor

[Aaaahhh, stupid “your comment is awaiting moderation”-bug! I forgot about it, so here is a re-post of my comment you all should be able to see. Unfortunately without the links I initially took the time to find and include]

Hi Jason,
I noticed this post, as I do check the SAP Community overview page from time to time! ?
I like that blogs on content discovery and how to use what we already have available here seem to be a trending topic!
On the rss feeds: I haven’t tried that out, but might do so.
Was this feature available from the beginning? I think I remember some people asking for just that?!
I usually find content relevant to me by occasionally visiting the tags im’ interested in (e.g. ABAP or S/4HANA ).
Also, as mentioned, I sometimes check the community overview and I regularly check Coffee Corner.

I only very occasionally check my activity stream (it’s just so crowded, even with filters), but if I do, sometimes I discover content because someone I follow likes something.
Also, sometimes I just visit peoples profiles and look at what blogs they wrote!
I think it’s very good that you ask us about our ways for content discovery, as there are so many possibilities, and we can learn from each other!
Also, for an author who wants his content to reach an audience, it’s good to know the ways the readers take. For example I really do like if SAP-folks having important Community-Content do take the time to link in Coffee Corner as well!

Thanks a lot for your blog and the opportunity on talking about content discovery it provides!


Active Contributor
Yes, RSS feeds are available OOB from WordPress, so this was always available, but not offered as an "official" solution from SAP.  Oliver has been very openly sharing the details via Twitter on this solution, but Jason wanted to make sure that folks who weren't getting the info on Twitter also were able to find it here (makes sense!).

One thing I want to share/remind/comment is that we are also looking to address content discovery in multiple ways throughout future iterations -- such as a revamped homepage, a content/tag navigation interface (formerly referred to as the tag browser), etc. with a focus on delivering easier navigation with the user's level of knowledge in mind.  Be on the look out for more info coming in the near future on some of these exciting (and much needed) renovations to our new home!


Active Contributor

Again, very good to take that topic here, so that non-twitter users (like me) also get the Info!

And here are some of the questions about rss feeds, I thought I remembered: https://onedx.find.sap.com/s#t=rss&n=1&p=default&repo=srh&f=UPDATED_TIMESTAMP%3Aafter-date~2016-10-0...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Doh! Why didn't I think of that? That's neat, thanks, Jürgen!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
It does appear in the feed in the extension that Jürgen suggested (I added a feed for SAP Mentor tag):

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Graham, there may have been a delay. I see this blog listed in my SAP Mentors feed in IE.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi ABAP developers,
for you we have a special offering. Just use the integrated Feed Reader in ABAP in Eclipse
and see all the news from the community directly in your IDE.

Here is my old blog with some screenshots:

Just enter the Feed URI for all ABAP related blogs:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I was about to try that Chrome extension but this scared me away:

Whats their business model? Collecting/tracing user behavior and then selling it?

Maybe I'll go with the IE-Solution Jason recommended, or look for something else...

Active Contributor
Oh, Opera can handle it natively, very nice:

...this feed-thing is really cool, thanks again Jason for making us aware of it!

(This RSS thing is quit old (> 10 years), and even though I was aware of it existing, and had a general idea of what it does, only today I took a little time (~ 20 Minutes) to look into it and see, how it can be useful for me, and now I have a cool new thing. Nice!)

Active Contributor
They have "pro" edition that they're trying to sell, I guess.

"Read and change all your data"? Hm, maybe all those nonsense blogs on SCN were posted by an RSS feed reader gone rogue?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Awesome Joachim! Thanks for experimenting and sharing this with others!
Active Contributor
One more thing:

If I understood it right, https://blogs.sap.com/feed/ only gives you the 10 most recent blogs?!

So if between the times you(/your browser/your RSS Client) check for updates more than 10 blogs where created, you still miss some!


(Thats why I really like the tag-specific feeds!)


Active Contributor
Hello Jason,

thanks for this cool tip.

Here  a guide how to add this feed into ABAP in Eclipse:


And with context menu item "Open" the blog is shown in an internal web browser view.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Joachim, yes you are correct only the 10 most recent blogs are displayed (a limit that can only be changed by administrators through the WordPress admin console). I really like the tag-specific feeds as well because I can see the blogs I care about, and 10-blogs limit is sufficient for that.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Stefan, thanks for sharing this method! I like the split-screen view that lists blogs and shows content of selected blogs.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks for confirming, Jason!

I took it to Idea-Place: https://ideas.sap.com/D40267
0 Kudos
Have added this. Thanks a lot for sharing.
0 Kudos
Hi Jurgen,

From your experience, it is that this RSS feed reader (Chrome Extension) has the capability to read browsing history/read or change data for the websites we visit.

This is also pointed out by Joachim. Thank Joachim!!!


Active Contributor
if it does it will conclude that I am a boring personality. You always have to evaluate costs and benefits. I have not yet seen any banners from the SAP merchandising shop in Walldorf.
Active Contributor
+1 for third party readers, they really are significantly better. I use Feedly.

For those who haven't tried, most of the feed readers support "J,K" key navigation - J goes to the next article and K to the previous.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Thanks for this! Most helpful!! You can also add this to your favorite RSS tool (I have one on my home page) but no filtering 😞
Active Contributor
Had to switch from Chrome to Firefox and found that add-on called Brief works well.  A bit too much white space but I like that you can switch between the list view and full blog and bookmark as well.

It did ask for way too many permissions though, so I might keep looking for other options.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thanks for sharing this option Jelena!
Former Member
This is very informative blog and very easy to access the blog new post, thanks jason for sharing...
Hello Jason,

Thanks to the tutorial information, I think this information is very useful as a first step for a newcomer. I have been a member and user of SAP system since 2012 and not so focused with the community, and it seems that from now on I will use the community as the greatest opportunity to share knowledge and develop the ability with my friends in this community...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thank you Former Memberfor reading the blog post! I'm glad to hear you are a long time member of this community, and are still learning from it. Thanks for taking the action and trying something new - this is the greatest news for me to see and read. This community truly has a wealth of opportunities to gain and share knowledge, as well as develop friendships with our fellow community members.
Former Member
I use the web browser internet explorer.It is very helpful for me but sometimes it hanks my system.I contact to Internet Explorer 10 tech support and they solve my problem.
Former Member
Have added this. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Very Good Article !!

0 Kudos
Hi Jason,

Great sharing. thank you!

I am trying to follow my favourite blogger  Denys (https://people.sap.com/denys.kempen), however the link you suggested (https://blogs.sap.com/author/USER.NAME/feed) doesn't work anymore, any ideas? thanks!
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello tian.song,

Can you try link below?

https://content.services.sap.com/feed?author=denys.kempen&title=All content by Denys van Kempen

Thank you



Hello Yogesh,

Thank you, this works! Appropriate your quick reply !
Active Contributor
You are very welcome

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Thanks for sharing your knowledge Yogesh!

Hi Tian, good choice following Denys! He’s a wealth of information and I love his writing style too! 😊