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***This mission has ended***

SAP Community Beta is now open to all the community members! We strongly encourage you to explore all the features and functionalities of the new platform, and request that you report any bugs or issues. To learn how to submit feedback, read SCN Beta Feedback Process.

To encourage testing in SAP Community Beta, the SCN Gamification Core team is happy to announce a new mission. You can earn the badge shown here and gain 5 points.

Complete Sequentially:

  1. Read and bookmark this blog
  2. Explore SAP Community Beta
  3. Complete any of the SAP Community Beta Missions
  4. Take screenshot from your Beta Universal Profile or Notifications AFTER the badges from your completed SAP Community Beta Missions are visible
  5. Share your experiences and submit your screenshot as comments here (please post at the end) - only valuable contributions count!
  6. If you find any bugs or issues, report them by starting a discussion in the SCN Open Beta space

Screenshot Instructions:

Please note: There may be a delay before the Beta Mission badges show up on your Universal Profile once you complete a Beta mission. Please be patient with the beta site. Also, kindly allow a few days for the SAP Community Beta Tester badge to show up on your current SCN profile as this is not be an automatic mission.

More Information: To learn more about the exciting changes that the SCN Reputation Program is going through as we transition into the new community, read Caroleigh Deneen's Reputation Program Reloaded and A Glimpse Ahead: New Community, New Missions.

Video Instructions: Tip in a Minute: How to Earn the SAP Community Beta Tester Badge

Happy Testing!

SCN Gamification Core Team

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Sajid,

I created a feedback discussion and it is the 57th item on SCN Beta Feedback List now.

And my reputation is;



0 Kudos

This profile seems good.

However, if I can follow my whole activities in this page, it will be good. Now, I can not access my activities from this page. There is no link for it.

Former Member
0 Kudos

0 Kudos

I am afraid this is not the correct snapshot. Please read the rules carefully!

0 Kudos

Thank you so much for participating Frank. I just uploaded your badge and points. Congrats!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

I can't find reputation on my profile.

0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

There was no hyperlink for "Show All Reputation". So I couldn't click it. However, I have just send my notification tab ss.


0 Kudos

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi there,

so here is my snapshot :smile:

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

Here is my snapshot

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

This is not corrct screenshot. Please read rules carefully


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

This is not corrct screenshot. Please read rules carefully


Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

vivek.shanmugam, I had a chance to look into your case further with Mirko. We see actions associated with your account, but none of them are follows.

May I kindly ask that you try to publish a blog post:

SAP Blogs - The Best Run Businesses Run SAP

And ask a question:


And then we can have a look and see if your content and notifications are updated in the profile, and see if that matches what is logged by the gamification service.

Thank you for hanging in there with me to try to get to the bottom of this.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi sajid.amir2

I'm mostly involved in BETA as Moderator. Here is my snapshot.

Best Wishes,


0 Kudos

Active Participant
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0 Kudos

Former Member
0 Kudos

Happy to see the SCN New look. It will be good if we add our training calendar from open.sap.com plus other webinar calendars. Background and Font and my be smiley addition – User changes are welcome change too.

Sridevi Aduri

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

There you go:

I shared my finds and some opinions in the Beta space. :smile:



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks for your feedback Sridevi. However, this is not the correct snapshot. Please read the rules carefully!

0 Kudos

Hello Satendra I am sorry but this is not the correct snapshot. Please read the rules carefully!


0 Kudos

0 Kudos

As of now what I have been experiencing that It’s working fine. Well, trying to get more familiar on this as it’s something which is new and need time to give you a valuable feedback. Thanks!

0 Kudos

I would like following functionalities:

- an area in user's profile for certificate URL similar LinkedIn

- import of reputation from old scn account

- change possibility of user ID, for example from S-user to public user

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thanks caroleigh.

I also raised one question in sap community beta tester.

Nothing can be highlighted caroleigh.

also check the status which i was updated in the

Do you like the new profile? Tell us what you think!


Attached screen shot of my comments....Could you pls look into this part.

Thank you and appreciated your effort always caroleigh.



0 Kudos

Hi Sajid,

I think there are still a few functions missing on the profile page.

For Example the "Show all reputation" button is missing.

In my opinion the navigation to not get lost or to always get back to the startpage is not clear/good enough.  But as this is beta I hope this will get better with time.

Kind Regards,


Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

vivek.shanmugam, Ah, it looks like you submitted you feedback to the knowledgebase, which is great, but not tied to the beta missions.

Try publishing a new blog post from this link:


And posting a new question from this one:


And go here and click the green follow button:


In each case, you must be logged in.

Let me know once you've done so, and we can check your content list and notifications again. Thank you.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Dear SCN fellows,

First of all, thank you ​for continuous efforts to make SCN experience better. I do have one essential remark, though, regarding current Beta version. In my opinion, there is too much unused space on the page, which has a direct effect on the volume of available information in one eye-shot, when looking at the screen. Current SCN, when changed from former version of 2008 and then, again, changed in 2010 (11), always brought more information on the page. More discussions, more threads, more links... Current Beta version, to my taste, looks more like marketing version of a product, rather than IT community resource. Don't you think, this approach can be revised?

Kind regards,

Eli Klovski

P.S. Regarding 'bugs'; inability to post a new topic: the process is stuck:

Former Member
0 Kudos

Things I like are:

- Share knowledge with other community members

- Learn from the needs of others

Things I would like to see:

- A space / tag for "SAP Business One (Portuguese)" in the new SCN

- SAP Business One to be better recognized and more space in SAP events.

- More people sharing their experiences and knowledge

- Increased participation of members in community course

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

eli.klovski, thank you for your feedback. Regarding white space, we have heard similar feedback from other members, see rows 57 and 65 here:

SCN Beta Feedback List

You can watch for updates there. But if you haven't already done so, you can also consider submitting it as feedback in the Beta Space, to add weight to the feedback already received.


Thank you, Caroleigh

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thank you Caroleigh!! I understood what you have said here. Now I am following you.

I will post the question and  publishing a new blog very soon.

My concern is that what will be my scn blog and documents which I had published there already.

SAP ERP - Logistics Materials Management (SAP MM)

thank for once again Caroliegh!!

Active Participant
0 Kudos

So a second try:

Things I like are:

-The navigation is good (+ for usabiity)

-The search seems to work well

Things I would like to see:

-I find it strange that I can only read questions, I would like to post one (question and answers)

Found out where to post a question, but I would like to have the option to post a question if you are reading the others.

Comments / Errors:

-If I go to my profile, there is a point "Log Out". This one seems no to work

-It is a mixture from german and english: It says notification, if you click there you got:

Aktivitäten & Benachrichtigungen

-I am on Notifications. Then I click here on followed activities. That does not work.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hello ,
I like the view of this version & it is really simple .

I am having concern of “Reputation”  – it  is not seen in my universal profile,

Romit Raina

0 Kudos

Hello Romit,

You will have to complete one of the Beta Missions listed here first: List of SAP Community BETA Missions - SAP Blogs

After you complete any of the missions, please wait a little while for the badge to show up. Then share a screen shot as described in the rules to prove that you have completed a Beta Mission.


0 Kudos

Hello Joerg please read the rules carefully. This is not the correct snapshot.

0 Kudos

Hello Rableen I am sorry but this is not the correct snapshot. Please read the rules carefully!

0 Kudos

Hi, got the first badge; have reported two observations http://scn.sap.com/thread/3921629 and http://scn.sap.com/thread/3921632

Former Member
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Former Member
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Better UI

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hello Sajid ,

Thanks for the reply , here is my snapshot :

But i am not sure why , I am getting PAGE NOT FOUND for - List of SAP Community BETA Missions - SAP Blogs  :


Romit Raina

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi sajid.amir2,

Please find my screen shot below,

Things i Like About SCN Beta:

1) Fantastic UI

2) Easy Navigation

3) The moderation that has been provided for different activities for eg: How we create a discussion now is really Good!

Things i want:

1) A display near  the image or name which indicates what are all the modules the user is into or good at. Which will be very helpful to communicate or follow the concerned person.



Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

Thank you romit.raina, the broken link is because of the migration. Sajid will update today.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Caroleigh,

When will be the update?

Time has already passed?

"The blog system will be down for two hours on June 21, starting at 8 am CEST (June 20 at 11 pm, Pacific)."



Community Administrator
Community Administrator
0 Kudos

Hi yuksel.akcinar4 :smile: Yes, migration has passed, so now it's just that sajid.amir2 needs to republish and update the link. He will let us know when it is posted.

0 Kudos

Hello yuksel.akcinar4 and romit.raina I just re-published the List of SAP Community Beta Missions - SAP Blogs on SAP Community Beta. The link should be working now.

0 Kudos

Working now!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Have reported already the bug that I've encountered in open beta.

Former Member
0 Kudos

have already reported log out issue.