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Hello Everyone,

Recently there was announcement 'The future of SAP Community' from bill.mcdermotton SAP Community regarding upcoming changes in SAP community. In short SAP Community will have new leadership.

He mentioned in his blog that current community enhancement was "honest mistakes made with good intentions" and almost every SCN member can say YES to this comment. If someone say NO! I like to ask them… Did you use community in past (before design change)? If answer is YES, then why we are going away with this new community??? Only because of its design?

There is always learning opportunities behind mistakes (This is the way I see them). Well I am not going to discuss too much here about what is right and wrong for you. My primary intention of writing this blog is to make everyone aware that we are not 100% correct all the time…


Let me give you very good example…

This example is applicable to SCN (Past) and SAP Community (Present)


Suppose there is a wonderful blog about ‘A’ topic and you got some knowledge out of it. Well this is something good that you are gaining knowledge of it but WE start asking question on comment section of blog and start discussing problems related to blog ‘A’

We have entire section for asking question. Don’t you think posting your question in right section will help other SAP community members? This way we are keeping our home clean and tidy.

We recently seen this blog post about new changes to SAP Community redesign. Sneak Peek: 2018 SAP Community Redesign By jcantrell

I know there is some challenges in question answer section and there is lots discussion going around answer vs comment but hopefully that will be shorted out with new SAP Community design.

My only intention here to let our SAP community members know we all are on same boat and we don’t want to let 'our' boat sink.


Last but not least… Attaching couple of good blogs links about upcoming SAP Community changes...

The future of SAP Community

New Year in a New Organization

Video: Bjoern Goerke and Thomas Grassl Talk About What’s Next for SAP Community

Sneak Peek: 2018 SAP Community Redesign

SAP Community Network…rebooting…

As per jerry.janda comment (down below in comment section) adding some more useful links to this blog about SAP Community update and communication update. (Now we don't need to scroll down 🙂 ) Thanks jerry.janda

  • The Community Updates page lists all of the posts related to platform fixes, new features, and planning/strategy — going all the way back to the relaunch in 2016. It contains links to most of the posts you mention, plus many more.

  • SAP Community: Communications Updates is a wiki page where I highlight the latest posts — such as those found on the aforementioned updates page, as well as posts recognizing members. Since it’s a wiki page, people can “watch” it — so they’ll get updates whenever I add new items.

Thank you taking time and reading this blog and stay tuned 🙂

Yogesh Patel