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Community Advocate
Community Advocate

You might get confused when you hear the German word "Stammtisch"... what is it all about? As mentioned, it's a German phrase and can be translated with "regulars table" or "round table". It is an informal event, driven by local community members who get together to talk about SAP related topics and network.  It is also a great opportunity to extend your local community by getting new people on board.




By joining an existing SAP Stammtisch, you can find like-minded people, connect with them, and share thoughts about current topics. Having a diverse group from different topic areas or different level of experience makes these meetups special and spontaneous. You might be able to widen your horizon - at least you can widen the horizon of others.

Participants can exchange about their experience and take-aways from SAP events like SAP trainings, SAP TechEd, and webinars, as well as SAP-Community-driven events like SAP Inside Tracks, SAP TechNights, and SAP Code Jams. Hear about upcoming events, and get motivated to participate in or to present at such an event. Bring your questions about all this to an SAP Stammtisch and find answers.

So, how do I get involved in an SAP Stammtisch? It's quite easy: find an existing SAP Stammtisch near you… check out our event calendar to find the next one.

Or you can easily start a new SAP Stammtisch: 

  • Find a date
  • Find a cozy place
  • Meet with peeps 😊


Here are some FAQ I would like to share with you: 

1. Do I need special permission to organize an SAP Stammtisch?
No, everyone can start organizing an SAP Stammtisch.

2. Is there an office required to organize an SAP Stammtisch?
No, an SAP Stammtisch is very informal: no agenda or preparation needed. It’s meeting in a café or pub or other casual location, just a coming-together after work. When it is in the public in a pub, it is easy for everybody to show up.

3. Are there event-related badges for SAP Stammtisch?
Yes, you can earn a badge for organizing and attending an SAP Stammtisch. Prerequisite for the organizer badge is providing the SAP Community Profile URLs of the organizer. The badges can only be assigned to valid community profile links, and only, if they have been sent by end of the following month after the event. 
Attendee badges will be automatically assigned to everyone, who left the RSVP of the respective event in the SAP Community Event calendar.

4. Does this event require any twitter account or domain?
Using #SAPStammtisch makes it easy to generate awareness for the #SAPStammtisch. Using #SAPStammtischXXX (XXX for the city, e.g.#SAPStammtischMD for Magdeburg) is even better to raise the awareness for this special event.

5. Is there any default language to use, e.g. only English or only the local language?
No. Please adapt the language to the people attending.

6. SAP Stammtisch, SAP Stammtisch plus – which format should I use?
If it is an informal meeting talking about SAP topics, you can use SAP Stammtisch. If you are planning to have some sessions in an office/room with a beamer or whiteboard as well, it could be an SAP Stammtisch PLUS, an SAP TechNight, or a meet-up. Please note that these names are only recommendations and not a "must".


I hope this brief summary helps you to understand the event "SAP Stammtisch" a bit better. Don't forget to click on "Comment" below with your thoughts, like where would you like to see the next meet-up take place?


Active Contributor

Now if I could only properly pronounce "Stammtisch" 🙂 

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi @TammyPowlas - I think it may (or may not) have been me that drew Svea's attention to the fact that it is difficult to pronounce for some of us! Possibly when I kept saying "meetup" 😀

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

I feel with you @TammyPowlas  @Katherine_K  😅
For me it's words like "prerequisite" I am stumbling with 😂
I think this might be more a disadvantage of being globally connected - always struggling with a foreign word or even language 😆

Active Contributor

I'm always struggling to type "prerequisite" - so I understand, @sveabecker 

When attempting to speak Spanish, I always struggled to "roll my r's".

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Same here... I cannot "roll my r's" - it's just not possible 😂


The creation of a new Stammtisch page fails due to a lack of privileges.
Does it require additional privileges?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Yes @NilPeksen it does. When you are an owner or curator of a location based group, you may create an SAP Stammtisch and an SAP Inside Track Events on your own. 

If not, please submit your event to community@sap.com to get this on the Events page. Share title, date and time, location and a registration page with us, if needed.




#SAPStammtischGGN is something i am excited to join!

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Hi @sudhakarjha is it the SAP Stammtisch in Gurugram you mentioned? If so, it just got announced: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/sap-stammtisch/sap-stammtisch-plus-gurgaon/ev-p/270906

I recommend to subscribe to the SAP Stammtisch Event page: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/sap-stammtisch/eb-p/stammtisch
That helps you to get notifications if a new event is added.

When you click the three dots you can select "subscribe" but please note that you need to be logged in to perform this.



You can also join or subscribe to the Gurugram Group to get regular update about what's happening here: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/gurugram/gh-p/gurgaon 

Have fun to join the SAP Stammtisch on-site! 🙂