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I have done usability testing at on-site SAP community events, and once remotely since 2020. With Craig Cmehil's announcement of a new (again) home for the SAP Community, I raised my virtual hand again to be a test subject. This year, there was a choice between private and guided sessions and I chose the latter to have a more human experience. And found several long-time friends along the way.

My first attempt at checking out the latest site under construction did not happen because of a testing software limit.


SDN (SAP Community) blog post stats 2007 - 2008

The above chart is from a once-online worksheet site that I fortunately kept a local copy of, and shows a time period from august 2007 through February 2008 (excel date mangling affected 3 of 4 chart copies).


I was given a series of goals in this usability session. Rather than the run-of-the mill state-of-the-art software continuous release cycle where testing might be available for products either not used in your shop, or much newer than those in "production".

A goal, paraphrased: [build new skills in SAP software applications by: complete tasks in the SAP Community test site]


When I had to find content on a warehouse management scenario, first I came up with a buzz-word (trade slang) tool crib, and then leapt on putaway that probably had something to do with tidiness or whatever in the building workflow. As long as I knew a few keywords, or could find them from notes or quick searches, I greatly narrowed  [Ed: Thurber]  the results.

To complete the typical minimum daily effort to post usefully, the new site leads one through a primrose path to 'search first, ask later' and filter by whatever one types (ahead).

I found a help page link, with an image related to "putaway," copied both to my session, and it persists (tip: use images with sap.com in the URL for less continental content drift).



In the second room, I had to find an interesting post or a Java [stack or script?] expert, add a thank you comment to their post, give them a kudo!

I bifurcated on this task as I lived/worked through a period of Java being a core SAP enterprise software component to flipping to pariah status when Oracle bought Sun Microsystems. Java language code is distinct i my mind from the JavaScript tightly wound with CSS etc. Meaning I wasn't sure which door to take: 1 or 2. As I decided the test work flow, I went looking for the former, in the unfortunate scenario where someone needs to keep an old system running and lawyers are involved. I found:

/* TEST */

SAP PP/WM Kanban cycle
Associated Products:
NW AS Java Administrator (NWA)

Bonus points if you can give sample code or an example with code snippet in your

I had trouble finding the source code "icon". The old one looks like "{;}" and the new one looks like "(/)". Maybe.

cny rmb conversion in sap integration

This problem was on a Concur expense tracking detail; at least a few years back I used Concur and am familiar with the usual spending limits, allowable activities and record keeping limbo down dancing. For fun, I latched onto this side-quest:

Charge@home is defined as employees charging their EV cars at home

Include relevant links to supporting material, an image and code snippets as needed.

I worked a blog post as quickly as I could learn the menu choices. What you see, and see, and see, and
    what you don't see

matters. Like the space between the notes.

Sorry, unable to save the draft. Correct the highlighted errors and try again.

I hit this by skipping a required field, and compensated after a fashion.


SAP Analytics Cloud, an application for data analytics. See if there is a place for updates from SAP.

In a blink, Peter McNulty's name came up, but not in connection with [SAP Community Groups Location Groups Americas Newtown Square Discussions ...] (that was a bit tricky to navigate. I'm sure maps are in the future. Right?

After diverting with tales of the wonderful skills of Peter McNulty (who knows everyone), I brought to mind for quests of finding content from experts, those whom I've moderated sessions or worked with in some way over the decades, like 9af189e3441545408519f280791bcb19, john.astill ("https://answers.sap.com/questions/4632930/creating-widgets-at-teched-las-vegas-08.html"), and Jerry Janda.

I've got a long list of contacts so those quests are easy. For others, build your network here with follows and whatever the new terms might be.

Links will go bad

Permalinks, hah.

An "own" goal might be a mistake that costs a game, or it might be a personal objective, depending on your language slant.


Search is improved, let's see it in real time with real data. My impression on searching the somewhat contrived quests was efficient. With the caveat that I go back on this site longer than many, and am privileged to be on first name bases with people like DIpankar, and Abesh, and Abdullah, and many more.

Topic finding, we'll see. None of the original URLs for my first 5 SAP Community posts resolve any more, nor do most of the titles return any results with the current platform, but google found all 5 (because of the sheet show at the top).

Could'a/Would'a department:

  • Dark mode would be nice to have

  • a few entry zones need to allow more text to be viewed (dead space)

  • Products "FKA" - formerly known as, and Members (comma former) will continue to toss me ABAP detective cases as long as my shingle hangs. Out.


Created Between Title comments rank views
8/22/2007 N/A Unicode 0.002 3 5553 992
8/29/2007 7 ASUG, SDN, BPX, Community - Identity Crisis (or "No fear, no loathing in Las Vegas (apologies to Raoul Duke)") 0 6362 587
9/27/2007 29 spam-rant 1 6233 638
9/29/2007 2 Our ST10 (table buffer) performance incident (how we found it; how we fixed it). 9 4970 1386
9/29/2007 0 A week of TechEd networking, influencing, educating. [part 0] 1 6213 665
https://blogs.sap.com/2007/08/22/unicode-0002/ 3 387
asug-sdn-bpx-community-identity-crisis-or-no-fear-no-loathing-in-las-vegas-apologies-to-raoul-duke/ 0 152
https://blogs.sap.com/2007/09/27/spam-rant/ 1 82
Our ST10 table buffer performance incident how we found it how we fixed it 9 1482
https://blogs.sap.com/2007/09/29/a-week-of-teched-networking-influencing-educating-part-0/ 1 139


Prior slants (newest first)

2021 - 2008










Susan Keohan
Blog Post Author
May 26, 2010 at 5:19 pm
ASUG members, please use the following link to find all your conference presentations:
Of course, your ASUG log in is required.


"In my recent trip to the ASUG Operations Optimization conference, I attended an SAP Usability Study session. While I’ve tried to make time for these before, this is only the 3rd time that I have been able to get connected. If you have the chance, there are definite benefits to this program."





strong ending goes here