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SAP Community - Where are you from?

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

SAP Community keeps growing and growing and I am super excited for this Welcome Corner as it gives the chance for not only new members but everyone to get to know one another and connect with each other.

As my colleague @Katherine_K gives an overall introduction to the Group and what you can expect from it in her blog post, I’d like to take the opportunity to start a discussion about the different locations represented in our global SAP Community. I am interested to read where you are located and where SAP Community is spread around the world.

I am from Germany and currently living in Wiesbaden, which is the capital of one of the sixteen German states located in the west. After years of studies and living in different places, my hometown has caught me again with its charm and the closeness to friends and family has won me over.

But now I am curious, where are you tuning in from?

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Hi, there

This is Manuel. I have been living in Madrid (Spain) for the last 20 years but travelling around the world, mainly Europe, for different proyects. I was born in Zaragoza a beautiful city amidst Madrid and Barcelona.




Hello all,

Am Deepak from Bahrain, Functional consultant in SAP Business One since 2013, 

Having worked in many many projects/ clients/ countries. I would love to share and grow together.





Hi SAP Community!

I am from CIS region, registered here to write articles about ePP/DS and APO features!

Active Contributor

Hello SAP Community,

I am from India and currently working in HCL Technologies Limited.

You can also follow me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/neerajjain29/ regarding SAP knowledge. Will also share the documents here also for your learning.

Best Regards,
Neeraj Jain


Hello everyone!

I'm also in Germany - glad to be a part of this community!


Hi everyone!

I was raised in Italy.

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Raised and still living there @giorgio-salib02 ? Where exactly?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi everyone,

I am from Germany and currently living in Rauenberg. Rauenberg is a small town near Walldorf. So I am living close to the SAP headquarter.


Hello SAP World,

My name is Ivana, I'm Serbian, currently living and working in Spain (previously lived in France). I'm new in the domain as well as in the country i'm living. I studied forest ingeneering, worked in different fields and, a year ago, have found that where my passion lies is in SAP consultancy (and a bit programming). Thus, here I am, trying to contribute the best I can :).




Looking forward to connecting and meeting new coleegues! 

Welcome @Ivana_Novakovic , great to see you here. Where in Spain do you live? We have a dedicated group for Barcelona - did you already check this out? https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/barcelona/gh-p/barcelona
Would be a great chance to get in contact with other community member locally. They have also scheduled a community event in October - great opportunity to meet people in person! 😊
I definitely recommend to join the Barcelona group 😉

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Hello Everyone!

I'm a SAP iXP intern working apart of the UA Team. My location is Berkeley, California - where I am currently a student at UC Berkeley studying computer science. Excited to be part of the community!



I am Amith from Bangalore, India.



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Hi Amith,

Nice to meet you 🙂 
Have you seen the new Bengaluru group at SAP Community? if not, join and let's continue the conversation there 🙂
Bengaluru - SAP Community Groups



Hey I am Simone Di Somma, from Askdata. I've recently joined SAP. I will write blogs about Artificial Intelligence, my area of expertise

Hi from Brazil.


Hi everybody, I'm from Heidelberg in Germany 👋 

Came here through the SAP Community tutorial, cool idea to make it so interactive 🙂

Welcome @steffenwaldmann and thanks for the info!

It is also really interesting for us to see all the different locations where members are joining from. Looking forward to having you interact here in Groups as well!

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Fill-up the nomination form.


Best Regards,
Neeraj Jain

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi from Munich Germany

Thank you! I am glad to be here. My name is Santosh from India and I am looking forward to learning, writing blogs, connecting with people, and sharing ideas. 

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Welcome @former_member16991 - you sound very motivated! We like that. Looking forward to seeing more interactions from you.

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Hello world

I am from Denmark and I'm here because I hope I can still learn and contribute 🙂 

Welcome @TMNielsen - which part of Denmark are you from? In case you didn't already know, we have a location-based Group for Copenhagen. I see there is a blog post there about an upcoming SAP Inside Track for Nov 12th - may or may not be of interest to you.

Best of luck learning & contributing!!

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Hi Katherine_K, thanks for the hint!
I'm from the northern part of Jutland and haven't been to Copenhagen for years, so maybe I will check out the SAP Inside Track Copenhagen.


Hi everyone, 
I'm from TVC Belgium and I hope to write some blogs soon!

0 Kudos

Welcome and great to hear you are tuning in from Belgium. Are you going to join the SAP Inside Track in Belgium, too? Find out more here: https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/sap-insidetrack/sap-inside-track-belgium/ec-p/5203#M3
Regards, Svea

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Hello @former_member17019 welcome!
Where are you from?

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I am Saroop Reddy from India, Currently working in USA


Hi! I am from Argentina

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Hi, I am from Canada, living in Montreal. After many years working at Oracle (Canada, France and Switzerland) I joined oXya, a Hitachi Group Company, SAP Specialist. I am leading a Data eXperience Factory to improve our Client's Data Management experience. I am also Data Engineer certified on Google Cloud and specialist of Google Cloud Cortex Framework which provides the first data foundation for SAP. In 1 year I learned a lot on SAP. I have just developed a connector for SAP PO in order to send iDoc messages to Google Pub Sub. I use SAP SLT with Google Big Query + Google Data Fusion when customers do not have SLT to replicate data from SAP to Big Query.

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0 Kudos

Hello @kraghavanbindhu where are you from?

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Hello everyone! I am from Istanbul/Turkey, it is so good to be here with you people, it feels warmer already in a rainy day at the office. It has been 2 months in SAP S/4Hana and this is my first job experience so i am a fresh graduated Jr. SD Consultant who's trying to go forward on this path. I am open to all your suggestions (about SAP, career etc.), thank you all, have a good one...



Hi there, 
I am Mounika from India. I am working as a SAP Cloud Integration Consultant and I am very happy to join in SAP Community 🙂

Great to have you here @mounikanamineni - lots of other colleagues have joined from different parts of India as well - you should be able to connect here in Groups. Look forward to hearing more from you!

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sure 🙂


I am from Yemen


I am from Yemen