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Community Manager
Community Manager

On Tuesday, September 19, you'll notice changes to the appearance of the SAP Community Groups.

The redesign will be mostly cosmetic, but it will also bring advantages compared to the current look and feel.

Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect, taken from our test site:


The changes will make our groups more consistent with other SAP web sites. They'll also improve your experience by:

  • Prioritizing snapshot data, such as stats and group or category details.
  • Featuring the "Join" button more prominently so visitors can become part of a group more easily.
  • Repositioning sub-navigation elements higher on the page so members can find their way more quickly.
  • Enhancing type-ahead results in search -- including product entries -- with better result categorization and easier selection.
  • Placing the leaderboard in a way that better emphasizes top contributors.
  • Streamlining iconography consistently across the site, making it easier to distinguish by post types.
  • Adding a dynamic component to the home page featuring the latest groups.
  • Unifying the component for featured posts, delivering easier content management and consistent behavior across the site.
  • Modernizing the UI for the site's banner announcements.
  • Integrating a dynamic-related content component throughout the site to help readers find similar posts more easily.
  • Moving the "Kudo" button from the bottom of the post to the top, to make it easier to find and encourage members to reward quality content.

See for yourself on September 19! And on the same date, please join us for one (or both) of the first SAP Monthly Migration Series sessions, where you can ask questions about the new look and the overall migration strategy.


If you have feedback, please share your thoughts in the Ask and Comment About the Community Platform and Migration discussion in our Welcome Corner. And if you want to remain aware of all important announcements about changes to SAP Community, make sure you subscribe to this What's New feed by going to https://groups.community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/bg-p/whats-new, selecting Options, and clicking Subscribe.


Nice Read Thanks for sharing 

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Really great to see the new UI and experience already starting to roll out ahead of the migration! 

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Awesome changes! Thank you for the nice work on the UI/UX