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Adding Bolnr field in VF04.

0 Kudos
I have requirement for adding a new field BOLNR in Vf04. I have added the same field in VKDFIF str. Here is my code i am getting values in a newline in output.
*& Include ZXV6PU08

BREAK abap01.

DATA : wa_c_vkdfif TYPE vkdfif.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_likp,
vbeln TYPE vbeln,
zbolnr TYPE bolnr,
END OF ty_likp.

DATA: it_likp TYPE TABLE OF ty_likp.
SELECT vbeln , bolnr AS zbolnr FROM likp INTO TABLE @it_likp
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @c_vkdfif WHERE vbeln EQ @c_vkdfif-vbeln .

READ TABLE it_likp INTO DATA(wa_likp) WITH KEY vbeln = c_vkdfif-vbeln .

wa_c_vkdfif-zbolnr = wa_likp-zbolnr .

append wa_c_vkdfif-zbolnr to it_likp.

Thanks in advance.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Concerning the usage of [CODE] button, you are "almost" good... 😄

Hopefully SAP will fix this **** buggy editor. I guess it's Forum Buggy Editor International day - Year 5 or more...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Can you please change the tagging of your question?

Just tag it for "ABAP Development"

The tag "SAP BTP ABAP Environment" is not appropriate since you are asking for support for a GUI based transaction which are not available in SAP BTP ABAP Environment, neither in SAP BTP nor in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

ceterum censeo RAP esse utendam