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CL_APPOINTMENT using formatted text in body

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

Is it possible to send formatted text in the body in an appointment using the class CL_APPOINTMENT?

In the front-end I use the rich Text Editor, where my text is formatted as html.

but in outlook I get this:

Any ideas how to solve this?


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The method CREATE_SEND_REQUEST of CL_APPOINTMENT simplifies the process of sending an appointment, but it has limited possibilities like the text which is just a raw text.

Maybe you should do the process of creating the email yourself, via CL_BCS/CL_DOCUMENT_BCS, with an HTML body, and link the appointment as an attachment with MIME type text/calendar and with text containing the appointment in ICalendar format, that you obtain with the method AS_ICAL_OBJECT of CL_APPOINTMENT.

Please search the web for BCS email examples with HTML/attachment.