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Error message in ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST- check method

0 Kudos

I wanted to put a validation at item level while creating PO, The error message should display in Pop up like standard errors, I am able to achieve that in Check method of BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST.

The issue is i want to display all error in the Pop up like if multiple items have failed all items should be in the list, But when i display error in CHECK method, control comes out from method and only one error can be displayed at a time, is it possible to display all errors through this method?


Active Contributor

Should I understand that you didn't use the macros of the include mm_messages_mac to handle error messages in the BAdI, or am I mistaken?

Sample on how to handle errors in PROCESS_ITEM

  INCLUDE mm_messages_mac.
  DATA: ls_item TYPE mepoitem.
* Get data
  ls_item = im_item->get_data( ).
* Cleansing time
  mmpur_context mmcnt_context_badi.
  IF NOT ls_item-id IS INITIAL.
    mmpur_remove_msg_by_context ls_item-id mmcnt_context_badi.
* ...
* Raise an error on field Material
  im_item->invalidate( ).
  mmpur_metafield mmmfd_matnr.
  mmpur_message_forced 'E' 'ZXXX' '123' <item_data>-matnr ' ' ' ' ' '.

0 Kudos

Hi raymond.giuseppi ,

I wanted to change the Service item(s) against Po item , but i am not able to read proper service items with Method GET_DATA .

Please help me out to read and change the service item using get_data , set_data .


Om .

0 Kudos

I used error message without macros like e000(), but even with macros multiple errors are not displayed, control comes out from the method

once you displayed first error

0 Kudos

Strange as macro 'mmpur_message_forced' force the collect.

Could you try to force message handler behavior with following macro :

" message type / dialog / collect
mmpur_message_config 'E' ' ' 'X'. " no display and collect

and some debug (e.g. break-point at start of method CL_MESSAGE_MM=>CREATE)

0 Kudos

Did you try to put your control in methods such as PROCESS_ITEM rather than CHECK?

0 Kudos

You have to set business object (item) for which you output the message:

METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~check.
  INCLUDE mm_messages_mac.

  mmpur_business_obj item_ref.    "Reference to the item
  mmpur_metafield mmmfd_cust_01.  "Field with error
  MESSAGE ... INTO dummy.
  mmpur_message_forced sy-msgty sy-msgid sy-msgno sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
  DATA(lf_failed) = 'X'.

  IF lf_failed = 'X'.
    ch_failed = 'X'.