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FTP connection failed in background

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Folks,

I'm connecting from SAP system to a FTP server using the FTP program. When I'm connecting to the FTP server through the RFC destination SAPFTP its working fine i can connect to the server however I have to run the program in the background mode so I cannot use the SAPFTP rfc destination as it can run only on the foreground so in my case I'm using the RFC destination SAPFTPA as this is the RFC destination which can be used in the background mode.

The problem arises here when I'm using SAPFTPA in place of SAPFTP as I have to run the program in background. When I'm using the RFC dest SAPFTPA I'm getting an error saying "Attemp To Set Up Connection To Failed" however the connection is successful when the RFC dest SAPFTP is used.

Please provide your valuable inputs.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Santosh,

When we use SAPFTPA (this is for background).

In this case, the Application Server connects to the remote machine for FTP.

So you will have to ask your basis team, to check whether the application server can connect to that ftp server or not. Generally the sap server has many restrictions / firewall and they will have to open it so that it can connect to other server.

Hope this helps.


Amit Mittal.

0 Kudos

Hi Amit,

Thanks for the reply.... Infact this answer seems to be very helpful for me.... let me check the same with the basis team.



0 Kudos

Hi, name's Dio. I'm facing the same problem here, how can you solved this ? please help me.

