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How to use Filters in GET BADI ststement in new Enhncement Framework

0 Kudos

Hi All,

I am working on the new Enhancement Framework in EC 6.0.

I have defined a new BADI Definition Z_BADI_CAL_TAX in the Enhancement Spot. The BADI definition contains a filter 'AB' of character type filter.

Now to instantiate the active implementations of this BAdI through my application program, I am using the GET BADI command in my application program.

DATA: handle TYPE REF TO z_badi_cal_tax.

data: ctry(2) TYPE c value 'US'.

GET BADI handle


ab = ctry .

The program is giving the syntax error:

Formal parameter "AB" does not exist...

I have defined the filter AB in the BAdI. Still this error is coming.

Can you please help me out whether I am using the correct syntax of GET BADI or is their a different way to use filter??

With Best Regards,



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nitin,

Your syntax is fine. Just ensure the BAdi is Active.


0 Kudos

Hi Aditya,

I have checked. The BAdI is active.



0 Kudos

Hi Nitin,

I just created a new BAdi from scratch with an implementation and invoked it using the GET BADI from a Z program. It worked fine.

Susbequenetly, I have tried a number of steps of trying to get the syntax error you are getting by making deliberate errors. However am unable to reproduce your error.

Just run through this [link|] and see if you have missed our or made an error in the implementation.

0 Kudos

Hi Aditya,

Thanks for your response. I have looked into the article.

I have also cheched everything. And it should work fine. Because as soon as I remove the filters, the program gives the error - to use the filter 'AB' is mandatory. But when I give the filter, the system does not recognize it.

I am trying to find out what the problem is.

I will update you if I will be able to find the solution.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nitin ,

Can you tell the system in which you are checking this,so that i can narrow down on this problem?



0 Kudos

Hi Ahhishek,

I am using SAP ECC 6.0 system.

The GET BADI command is working fine if I do not define any filter in my custom BADI. But as soon as I define the filter in my BAdI, and then if I try to use the GET BADI command in my proram, the above syntax error appears.

I have also tried to use the GET BADI Command for standard BAdI /ISDFPS/BADI_DATAEXP. This BAdI has 2 filters defined in it. And to my surprise GET BADI command worked perfectly fine here. Means the problem is coming only with the custom BAdI with filters.

I want to highlight one point here that my system is giving 'Time Out' dump when I activate any Enhancement Spot. But even after this time out dump, the Enhancement Spot gets Activated. So I am wandering whether this may be the problem in my system itself.

With Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Nitin ,

The calling syntax seems to be correct.I dont think its relatd to the dump you are mentioning.Try changing the county parameters by putting/removing Quotes(" ) and see if it helps.

