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IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS - not able to find the material logic

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Friends,

We are using IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS for IDOC. we are passing EAN11 to E1EDP19-MATNR.

In user exit EXIT_SAPLVEDA_009, we get the MATNR in MEAN table based on E1EDP19-MATNR.

Up to 4 line items, it's working fine. but 5th line item the MEAN table logic fails. But after creating the sales order , it picks the 5th line item material. Not able find where its get it.

Thanks with regards,

Vallamuthu M


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello vallamuthu.madheswaran2

See the notes:

If you don't like the standard logic, the latter note advices EXIT_SAPLVEDA_001 user-exit, SMOD enhancement VEDA0001

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

0 Kudos

Hi Dominik Tylcznksi,

Thanks for your update.

These notes are already updated.

Thanks with regards,

Vallamuthu M.

0 Kudos

vallamuthu.madheswaran2 What do you mean by "these notes are already updated"?

You don't update notes. SAP provides them.

The notes explain the standard logic of material determination in ORDERS IDoc processing.