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print prime numbers using string

0 Kudos

Accept a number and print all the prime numbers up to the number


P_NO 100



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

What could be the algorithm to find out if one number is a PRIME number?

After that, the rest is easy.

0 Kudos

Use the below Code:

  DATA: p_num TYPE string VALUE 100.
num TYPE int2,
END OF ty_int.
DATA: lt_int TYPE TABLE OF ty_int,
lt_int1 TYPE TABLE OF ty_int.

DATA: lv_flag TYPE int2.
DATA: lv_temp TYPE int2 VALUE 1.
DATA: text TYPE string VALUE 'Prime Numbers: '.

lt_int = VALUE #( FOR i = 2 THEN i + 1 UNTIL i >= p_num
( num = i )

LOOP AT lt_int INTO DATA(ls_int).

lv_flag = 0.

LOOP AT lt_int INTO DATA(ls_int1) WHERE num <= ls_int-num.

lv_temp = ls_int-num MOD ls_int1-num.

IF lv_temp = 0.
lv_flag = lv_flag + 1.


IF lv_flag = 1.
text = text && | { ls_int-num }| && |,| .


WRITE:/ text.

This will give you your desired output:

You can also try to do this with new ABAP syntaxes using REDUCE and FOR operators.

Thanks and Regards,

Nitish Singh.