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SAP Community Coding Challenge - March 2020

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

This is the voting thread for the March 2020 SAP Community Coding Challenge. For the challenge details and directions see this blog:

In this Question thread I will post the 7 finalist. Use the answer voting mechanism to choose the one solution you believe should be the overall winner. Remember: this is all for fun and education. We are all winners here because of the great knowledge sharing!


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

We also have the replay of the live stream where we announced the finalist available:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I was really looking forward to see the final solutions. I really love the "SELECT DISTINCT" and the "Sorted Table Discarding Duplicates" Approach.

Congratulation for all the finalist and special award winners.

Active Contributor

Who will check that nobody does a vote +1 for their favorite and -1 for others? 😉

Active Contributor

How many solutions did you get overall?

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

enno.wulff - a little shy of 200 entries.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Wow, Those are some cool solutions there!!,,

200!! How many people were involved in the shortlisting those 😉 😄

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

rich.heilman and I did the shortlisting and judging so far. Now its up to the community to choose the overall winner.

Active Contributor

I though the objective was to produce clean code


Congrats to all the finalists! And thanks to the SAP Community team as this was a well thought out and well run challenge.

The challenge said "as few lines of code as possible" but did not say "do not include comments". I'm assuming all the comments were removed for the finalists for clarity of presentation/voting?

I'm seeing a ton of cool new syntax introduced and used (mostly for the better). However, from a support perspective, it can be disruptive and confusing without good comments as there are vast knowledge differences within any group of developers...

0 Kudos

Very nice challenge. I'm following this one among my fellow Russian community programmers as their brains hurt 😄 Could you please create a one place repository with all the code on git. Thanks!

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

And if you want more details on the Special Award winners, rich.heilman posted a blog about them here:


I'll try to provide an AbapGit repo with my local revisions - and the story behind my solution...

Active Participant

I thought we should just vote for one solution. Seems, that some of us have voted down all other solutions. This is not very nice.

Remember: This is all for fun and education.

Active Contributor

Remark about the regular expressions used by 3 of the 5 finalists, they could be written as follows to be more readable and maintainable (example below corresponds to DATA(unique_chars_in_word) = replace( val = word->* regex = `(.)(?=.*\1)` with = `` occ = 0)):

DATA(unique_chars_in_word) = replace( val = word->* 
    regex =   '(.)'    " any character (.) registered for later reuse ((something))
            & '(?='    " provided that it's followed by
            & '.*'     "   - any character (.) repeated zero or more times (*)
            & '\1)'    "   - the character registered first (\1)
    with = ``  " replace the match with nothing (delete)
    occ = 0 ). " replace ALL occurrences

Another solution is to get the free online explanation by