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SAP Developer Challenge - APIs - Task 2 - Calculate Northbreeze product stock

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

(Check out the SAP Developer Challenge - APIs blog post for everything you need to know about the challenge to which this task relates!)

In this task you'll move from the public Northwind service to a simple version powered by CAP, and explore data with an OData operation and some system query options.


The OASIS curated Northwind service is great, but it's also sometimes useful to have one's own version. There's an extremely simplified version of the classic Northwind service, called Northbreeze (get it?) at

This Northbreeze service is powered by the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) and offers four entity sets:

  • Products
  • Suppliers
  • Categories
  • Summary of sales by years

(Well there's technically a fifth, TotalProducts, but that's just a calculation projection on the count of products).

The reason for running our own version of Northwind is that we can modify and extend it as we see fit, plus being based on CAP, we can learn about and experiment with CAP's rich support for serving OData APIs.

In this task you'll start to become familiar with the data offered.

Specifically for this task, you'll need to become familiar with the Products data. To do that, have a look at the Northbreeze service's metadata document at$metadata.

Identify the EntityContainer element that describes the entity sets available, in the form of EntitySet elements, and find the element describing the entity set with the name Products, which should look like this:

<EntitySet Name="Products" EntityType="Northbreeze.Products">
 <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Category" Target="Categories"/>
 <NavigationPropertyBinding Path="Supplier" Target="Suppliers"/>

You can see that this entity set is a collection of Northbreeze.Products entity types. The 'Northbreeze' part is essentially the namespace, generated based on the service name. Follow the trail to the Products entity type, which will be an element outside the EntityContainer element, but still within the Northbreeze-namespaced Schema element.

The Products entity type should look like this:

<EntityType Name="Products">
 <PropertyRef Name="ProductID"/>
 <Property Name="ProductID" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false"/>
 <Property Name="ProductName" Type="Edm.String"/>
 <Property Name="QuantityPerUnit" Type="Edm.String"/>
 <Property Name="UnitPrice" Type="Edm.Decimal" Scale="variable"/>
 <NavigationProperty Name="Category" Type="Northbreeze.Categories" Partner="Products">
 <ReferentialConstraint Property="Category_CategoryID" ReferencedProperty="CategoryID"/>
 <Property Name="Category_CategoryID" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
 <NavigationProperty Name="Supplier" Type="Northbreeze.Suppliers" Partner="Products">
 <ReferentialConstraint Property="Supplier_SupplierID" ReferencedProperty="SupplierID"/>
 <Property Name="Supplier_SupplierID" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
 <Property Name="UnitsInStock" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
 <Property Name="UnitsOnOrder" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
 <Property Name="ReorderLevel" Type="Edm.Int32"/>
 <Property Name="Discontinued" Type="Edm.Boolean"/>

Amongst other things, you can see that a product has an ID (ProductID), a name (ProductName), a count of the number of units currently in stock (UnitsInStock) and a boolean that is used to indicate whether or not a product is discontinued (Discontinued).

Request the first few products to see data for these and the other properties, via$top=5. You should see something like this:

 "@odata.context": "$metadata#Products",
 "value": [
 "ProductID": 1,
 "ProductName": "Chai",
 "QuantityPerUnit": "10 boxes x 20 bags",
 "UnitPrice": 18,
 "Category_CategoryID": 1,
 "Supplier_SupplierID": 1,
 "UnitsInStock": 39,
 "UnitsOnOrder": 0,
 "ReorderLevel": 10,
 "Discontinued": false
 "ProductID": 2,
 "ProductName": "Chang",
 "QuantityPerUnit": "24 - 12 oz bottles",
 "UnitPrice": 19,
 "Category_CategoryID": 1,
 "Supplier_SupplierID": 1,
 "UnitsInStock": 17,
 "UnitsOnOrder": 40,
 "ReorderLevel": 25,
 "Discontinued": false
 "ProductID": 3,
 "ProductName": "Aniseed Syrup",
 "QuantityPerUnit": "12 - 550 ml bottles",
 "UnitPrice": 10,
 "Category_CategoryID": 2,
 "Supplier_SupplierID": 1,
 "UnitsInStock": 13,
 "UnitsOnOrder": 70,
 "ReorderLevel": 25,
 "Discontinued": false
 "ProductID": 4,
 "ProductName": "Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning",
 "QuantityPerUnit": "48 - 6 oz jars",
 "UnitPrice": 22,
 "Category_CategoryID": 2,
 "Supplier_SupplierID": 2,
 "UnitsInStock": 53,
 "UnitsOnOrder": 0,
 "ReorderLevel": 0,
 "Discontinued": false
 "ProductID": 5,
 "ProductName": "Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix",
 "QuantityPerUnit": "36 boxes",
 "UnitPrice": 21.35,
 "Category_CategoryID": 2,
 "Supplier_SupplierID": 2,
 "UnitsInStock": 0,
 "UnitsOnOrder": 0,
 "ReorderLevel": 0,
 "Discontinued": true

Your task

Your task is to calculate the total stock quantity (i.e. the total units in stock) for all current products, i.e. products that are not been marked as discontinued. The result of this calculation should be a number.

Once you have calculated the number, which should be an integer, you should hash it and post the hash as a new reply to this discussion thread, as described in Task 0 - Learn to share your task results and in a similar way to how you've done this in the previous task.

Hints and tips

Like all tasks in this challenge, you are free to approach this one however you see fit. One way would be to request all the products ( and manually sum the values of the relevant UnitsInStock properties.

But where's the fun in that?

How about requesting the entire products entity set in your favorite language and obtaining result by parsing the response and using that language to make the calculation?

You could also use OData's $filter system query option to first reduce the entity set result to only those products that have the value false for the Discontinued property.

And what about the $count facility, which in OData V4 is now a system query option as well something you can append to a resource path?

This would also be a good opportunity to take your first steps exploring some great new OData V4 features supported by CAP, such as data aggregation.

For discussion

How did you approach this task? If you used a programming language, which one did you use, and how did you do it? If you used an $apply based data aggregation feature, what was it, and was was your experience using it?

209 REPLIES 209

... apply for the win and all the way. 

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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See all my blogs and connect with me on Twitter / LinkedIn

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Product and Topic Expert
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Performed GET using $apply with aggregate on UnitsInStock grouped by Discontinued.

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Developer Advocate
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Using the OData V4 data aggregation feature, at first it seemed a little bit daunting. However, it eventually improved when I figured out what to do. I am a bit mixed on the need to declare all of my filters and calculations via the apply feature, or at the very least I could not figure out how to do it outside the apply function, as doing filters outside it will cause the OData to not send a value. This might also be the fact that the OData might be filtering the new values instead of the old values outside the apply function, but I yet to test that part myself. Regardless, I think I figured out on what to do for this challenge and it became manageable by the end.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Thanks for the great comment and your thoughts. Indeed, you are on to something with your conjecture there.

Consider this query:$apply=filte...

This produces:

"@odata.context": "$metadata#Products(Category_CategoryID,TotalStock)",
"value": [
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 539,
"Category_CategoryID": 1,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 507,
"Category_CategoryID": 2,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 386,
"Category_CategoryID": 3,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 393,
"Category_CategoryID": 4,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 282,
"Category_CategoryID": 5,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 136,
"Category_CategoryID": 6,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 74,
"Category_CategoryID": 7,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 701, "Category_CategoryID": 8,
"": null }

If you then add a "regular" $filter system query option, you are filtering on this result set. For example, let's filter this output to just those category IDs with a total stock of more than 500:$apply=filte...

"@odata.context": "$metadata#Products(Category_CategoryID,TotalStock)",
"value": [
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 539,
"Category_CategoryID": 1,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 507,
"Category_CategoryID": 2,
"": null
"TotalStock@odata.type": "#Decimal",
"TotalStock": 701,
"Category_CategoryID": 8,
"": null

I can't get this platform to stop swallowing whitespaces so this formatting is a little difficult to read. But you can go to the URLs to see the results too. 

0 Kudos


I have used odata filter and aggregate to get the sum.

I used node.js to confirm if the sum is correct

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

Great stuff, thanks for sharing!

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I tried to solve this problem with 3 different approaches.

1. using $apply with filter and aggregate sum, it is amazing.

Hint: I saw a tweet from Nico this morning about the $apply in this challenge then I realized this is what I have to learn today 🙂 😉

2. My main language is ABAP but since I am learning TypeScript, I am also using TypeScript to calculate the total stock and Hooray, it seems my answer is correct. 😄😄


3. Using curl and jq. with this approach, this was the 1st time that I used jq functionality like slurp (-s), map and add that you (DJ) taught us in the hands-on live session to solve real problem. It was a very nice feeling. 😎

In the 3rd approach, I found that I have to manually replace blank(space) with %20 in the $filter block to be able to fetch an OData API. If I misunderstood the thing, please help correct me.

btw, I also learned the different between $count and $count=true in OData V4 since I haven't use it often.

my understanding now is

append /$count in the resource path will return a number of items of the collection (calculated after any $filter, $search are applied) as a response.

$count as a system query will add property "@odata.count" as a count of the matching resources included with the resources in the response.





Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Hey Wises, nice to see you on this challenge!

What a great reply, thanks for sharing what you did, and what you learned. You're spot on about the $count mechanisms, they did change a bit between OData V2 and V4 (I have a little bit on this, plus some links to further reading, from a talk that I gave at an SAP Inside Track here 

On your comment regarding replacing spaces with %20 in the $filter system query option, when using curl, I decided to write a quick blog post on the topic, instead of commenting on it specifically here. Perhaps that way I can reuse the content and it may help others.

👉 OData query operations and URL encoding the system query options with curl

Wow, thank you so much DJ for a new grate blog about the OData query with curl. 🙏

Reading this useful blog together with my morning coffee time is a perfect match. 😁😎

Happy coding and happy learning 🙂


0 Kudos

wow! have you written anywhere about what platform your blog is powered by, how is it developed etc?  would be interesting to know.  

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It was great to explore and enhance my knowledge. Thanks. 

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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That's great to hear! But. Your lovely comment, added to your hash reply ... might have invalidated it 😉 Remember the instructions in 😉

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I used SAP Integration Suite for this challenge. Firstly I made an HTTP call and get the data in JSON. After converting JSON data to XML (Integration Suite Filter mechanism accepts only XML data), I filtered the Discontinued field. And finally I used groovy script to parse the filtered XML data and got the sum amount of UnitsInStock fields.

Regards 🙂



Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Wow, awesome. Nice work, and thanks for sharing! 

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You are welcome and thank you.

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-- Tomas --