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Backoffice: Change of value not working properly for localized String attributes.


We upgraded to 1811 and have a strange "feature":

Localized string attributes are rendered without right border. Localized String attributes have to be changed at least 2 times in order to activate the save-Button.

Step 1: open the attributes-tab:

Step 2: input anything:

Step 3: second change -> save-button will be active (attachment ist not allowed.)

to make it worse: After activated Save-Button, only these "double"-changed values are taken over. That means, another localized attribute, only changed one time, will not be stored.

If I change the type to non-localized, everything is fine.

By the way: this "feature" can be looked at B2B-accelerators Powertools-Product 1221409.



did you ever find out what the problem is?

We are facing the same issue with the same version.


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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hi ,

I would have done some debugging session, if I would expect any reason on my project side. When I found out, that it has something to do with localized attributes, I simply returned to standard Hybris (B2B-accelerator).

That means:

  • unpack hybris 1811

  • install b2b_acc

  • initialize b2b_acc within an own empty database-area

  • start it

There you will see the above behaviour.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I have never came across such problem. All I can advice is some debugging session (I would use com.hybris.cockpitng.widgets.baseeditorarea.DefaultEditorAreaController#addInitialObservers as a starting point).

You may always approach SAP Commerce support - they are more then welcome to help you here.

Cheers, Jacek