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Is there a list of all sessions in Devtoberfest 2023?

Active Contributor

See Subject. I'm trying to find:

  1. What is already available to watch on YT today (September 22, 2023), regardless of the "track".
  2. By "track", what are all the sessions in 2023 (past or upcoming)

The information in this format seems nowhere to be found, unfortunately.

There is YT playlist "SAP Devtoberfest" but it (a) includes upcoming sessions; (b) is not in chronological order; (c) includes 2022 sessions. There is no way to do anything with the list on YT, like sort or filter. (YT just doesn't provide such functionality.)


This blog post has a link to Devtoberfest events calendar. In this calendar, it is possible to filter past vs upcoming events. But, with the past events it's the same problem as above - all the 2022 stuff is there.

Links from other posts eventually lead to the same "calendar". 😑

So, is it possible to get just a simple list for 2023 event that would be like "Day 1 - link, link, link" and/or "Subject 1 - link, link, link"? That would be very useful.


Yes, something like that but I'm only interested in presentations (YT videos) and those lists also have some other stuff (tutorials?). It seems that presentations have 300 points, so I guess that's how one might tell them apart? Idk...

So far I found most useful daily link information on Twitter.

Thank you!

0 Kudos

There is a calendar view here that shows all of the 2023 presentations for a particular day.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I agree, even though the Calendar is an option.

Also, I know it's not easy to organize the session and not every one can be live and some have to be pre-recorded, but it would be nice if the live session would be marked that way as well since you can generate more impact there live than only with pre-recorded ones.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

I would suggest using the calendar view.  Devtoberfest Events | SAP Community

You visually see all sessions by day/week and can mouse over them for more info.
