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In this blog I am covering how FSV is stored in S/4 HANA database tables, if you want to check Cost Center/Profit Center hierarchy then please refer to my other blog:


To check FSV in ECC or S/4 use tcode: FSE3 and enter FSV version, for this example, I am using FSV version BAUS. Main tables involved are HRRP_DIRECTORY (stores FSV header), HRRP_DIRECTORYT (stores text descriptions of nodes ), HRRP_NODE (stores nodes and leaf)

Note: Before checking FSV data in tables you may need to run tcode HRRP_REP to replicate FSV in the system, in other words, you may see FVS structure in tcode FSE3 however you may not see entries in the tables. So, if you want to check whether you need to run tcode HRRP_REP or not, open table HRRP_DIRECTORY and pass your FSV version in the field “Hierarchy ID” and if you see an entry then you may be good else run tcode: HRRP_REP to replicate FSV.

Since FSV version does not exist in my case, I need to run Tcode HRRP_REP,  you just need to pass FSV version and choose a date:

Let’s check HRRP_DIRECTORY table again now:

Steps to retrieve FSV data:

First let’s try to get header/main node of FSV hierarchy (Root Node), marked in Yellow in below screenshot:


  • Pass language as EN and Hierarchy ID as BAUS

The output of this table will give you the hierarchy Header description:

Now let’s get node under header BAUS (Level 2), marked in green in below screenshot:


  • In ‘Hierarchy ID’ pass BAUS

  • In ‘Node Type’ pass N, N means a normal node

  • You can also pass Valid From if you have multiple hierarchies with different validity

  • In ‘Hierarchy Level’ pass 2 as we are looking for second level nodes

Output field ‘Hierarchy Node’ and ‘Node Description’ of this table will give you items under the header node:

Now let’s get node under ASSETS (Level 3), marked in green in below screenshot:


  • In ‘Heirarchy ID’ pass BAUS

  • Pass 00ASSETS in ‘Par. Node’ field, the value of ‘Parent Node’ field comes from the previous step (field ‘Hierarchy Node’)

  • In ‘Node Type’ pass N

  • In ‘Hierarchy Level’ pass 3 as we are looking for third level nodes

Output field ‘Hierarchy Node’ and ‘Node Description’ of this table will give you items under Assets node:

Now let’s get node under Cash & Cash Equivalents (Level 4), marked in green in below screenshot:


  • In ‘Hierarchy ID’ pass BAUS

  • This time pass 014 in ‘Par. Node’ field, the value of ‘Parent Node’ field comes from the previous step (field ‘Hierarchy Node’)

  • In ‘Node Type’ pass N

  • In ‘Hierarchy Level’ pass 4 as we are looking for fourth level nodes

Output field ‘Hierarchy Node’ and ‘Node Description’ of this table will give you items under Cash & Cash Equivalents node:

Now let’s get node under Petty Cash (Level 5/Leaf Node)


  • In ‘Hierarchy ID’ pass BAUS

  • This time pass 023 in ‘Par. Node’ field, value of ‘Parent Node’ field comes from previous step (field ‘Hierarchy Node’)

  • In ‘Node Type’ pass L, L is Leaf Node

  • In ‘Hierarchy Level’ pass 5 as we are looking for fifth level nodes

Output field ‘Node Value’ contains the GL account number:


Hopefully this blog will help you understand how FSV gets stored in S/4 HANA tables.
0 Kudos
Nice article Abhishek , any ideas on improving the look and feel as its still very ECC like 🙂
Thanks Paul! Well I can use Gui 7.5 or FIORI next time to make screenshots look pretty :).
0 Kudos
Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

I have one question: I've been using FAGL_011* tables to download FSV... Do you know the difference between these tables? They seam a bit duplicated.

Thanks a lot.



Hi Filipe,

Thanks !

You are right it looks like FAGL_011* tables can also be used, in-fact we have another table "HRRP_NODE" where all hierarchies are stored like PC, CC and FSV.


0 Kudos
Very useful blog. Thanks a lot!
0 Kudos
Do you know a way to automate the creation of the structure in OB58? A BAPI or function module.
0 Kudos
why node values are saved in HRRP tables with leading zero ? Is there any way to remove these zero.
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