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Prerequisite: A working knowledge in OpenText VIM

Introduction: A document in VIM (DP document) can be created using one of the following ways:

  1. OCR: Invoices are scanned and read using OCR. The values from the scanned invoices are filled in the DP document.
  2. Electronic documents like pdf or XML: Invoices are created by reading and passing the values from electronic document to DP document
  3. Manually creating the document: Documents are manually created using either OAWD or /n/opt/vim_7ax1. The invoices are manually attached.


In either of the cases, a copy of the invoice (scanned image or pdf) is attached to the DP document. These invoices are stored in Content Repository Server or Archive Server. ArchiveLink is responsible for interactive between Archive Server and VIM and/or SAP. ArchiveLink document type is assigned to a workflow when the document associated with it is uploaded.

Early Archiving: It is the process where documents scanned are archived before the details extracted from them are entered into the system.

Following configuration needs to be done for it:

          1. Create Content Repository ID: In order to archive the scanned images we need to first create the Content Repository ID. Below are the steps:

                         a. Create content repository by executing transaction OAC0 and click on create button


                         b. Enter the details as per your system requirements. Document Area will be ArchiveLink.


          2. Create Presetting Folder: Documents can be stored using OAWD. If the related documents are grouped then it gives more effective way to manage and create documents. A presetting folder represents a preset group of document types. They can be related by workplace or by an application. For each group, we can determine the agents responsible for its corresponding work item.

                         a. Go to T-Code OAWS and click on the "New Entries" button


                         b. Give the Presetting Folder Name (Pr) and Description (Long Text) and save it.


                         c. Goto OAWS and for the Presetting folder (created in above step) go to the subfolder "Entries" by selecting the Pr and double clicking on "Entries". Click on "New Entries" button.


                         d. Select the document type for the presetting folder and select the applicable storing type. (NOTE: Object type (OT) and Agent ID are optional). There are four storing types:

    1. Storing for subsequent entry
    2. Storing for subsequent assignment
    3. Store and enter
    4. Store and assign


          3. Create ICC Archive Document Type: This is required to be created so that every incoming invoice with a given document type is stored in predefined archive storage and a customized workflow is triggered for each of the document types.

                         a. Execute T-Code OAD5. This calls the ArchiveLink document type customizing wizard. Click on continue button


                         b. Provide document type and Description. Click on continue button.


                         c. Note that workflow document type option is selected. Click on Continue button


                         d. Provide details of Object Type, Method, Task, and Assignment. Click on Continue button.


                         e. Click continue and go to Storage system.


                         f. Provide Content Repository ID and Link. Click on Continue button.


                         g. Select the presetting folder that we have created and click on continue button. It is here where ICC and Presetting folder are linked. Now based on the document type in the presetting folder the system will pick the content repository from the setting done in the previous step. Skip the "Create New Presetting" as we have already created require the Presetting folders.


                         h. Select the same storage option done for presetting folder in step 2.d. Click on continue button.


                         i. Click on the "Complete" button to save the changes.


          4. Link Archive Document Type to VIM object: This configuration needs to be done in order to know where to store the incoming invoices.

                         a. Go to T-Code OAC3 and click on New Entry button


                         b. Provide details as used in Step 3 and save the changes


          5. Link Archive Document Type to SAP object: This configuration needs to be done in order to know how to link the posted or parked documents in SAP with that of VIM.

                         a. Go to T-Code OAC3 and click on New Entry button. Provide the below entries and save.


With this, we complete the ArchiveLink configuration. Now, we know where the documents are stored and saved. Hope you find it useful.

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Pankaj ,

Thanks for the detailed information .
I have a question , Is it mandatory to use open text content repository or we can use any other external content repository for saving the Scanned copies .

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hello pankaj,

Hope you doing well.

Can i have you mail id please.


Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Sathish,

Sorry for the delayed response. I have been busy and was not able to check SCN.

No, it is is not mandatory. You can use external content repository as well.


Pankaj Pareek
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Bhushan,

Please drop me your queries over here or message me using SCN message option.


Pankaj Pareek
0 Kudos
Hello Pankaj,


I have created several custom document types for object /OPT/V1001. All is working fine except one thing. When I generate an unsigned url via FM ARCHIVELINK_URL_GENERATE and then try to access the document via the url it says that the mandatory parameter seckey is missing. When I do the same thing for the standard document type /OPT/ICC. This works fine. Can you advise me in which part of the customizing I need to correct this?

Kind Regards

Yves Kemps
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Yves,

Have you copied the standard document type and made changes to it in order to create the custom document type? If not, then please try it. That is the best practice to do it.


Pankaj Pareek
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Pankaj.

Thanks, for this information.

I need help with a configuration, we are implementing SAP VIM, but in transaction /OTX/PF03_WP not displayed the status procesing , and the invoice does not appear on the validator, i can not identify wich configuration is required.

Thank you very much for your help.

Active Contributor
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Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Sathish ,

you can use any other repository as well but then some configurations will differ.


Pankaj Pareek

0 Kudos
Hello Pankaj,


My apologies for not replying earlier. I did not use this account for a while. In answer to your question, yes that is what I did. In the end, it turned out to be some security setting on the content server of the customer I was working at.

Problem has been solved.

Many thanks for your kind reply.

Yves Kemps
Former Member
0 Kudos
Pankaj, do you have any reference to configuration steps to use SAP Content Server instead of OpenText Archive Server?

0 Kudos
Hi Pankaj,

i hope you are doing well.

We have set up VIM & archive link configuration, we have one issue: the scanned document can be displayed in the FI document (in the attachment list) for PO invoices (posted with MIRO) but not for non PO invoices (posted with FB60).

Do you have any idea why this is not working even if the archiving is set up for document type BKPF the same way as BUS2081.

Thank you very much for your feedback,

Kind Regards

0 Kudos
One awesome write up thank you!
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello Pankaj,

Thanks for the information.

I have an issue with opening Archive emails.

File extension was missing and cannot open the files. I have download, add extension and open the file.

this was started on Friday and code wise I couldnt find any issue with it.

Please share your thoughts on the same.


0 Kudos
Hello Pankaj,

thank you for your blog.

Do you know if also CMIS repositories are supported with SAP VIM, instead of the traditional ArchiveLink repository?

My customer already has a CMIS repository and he would like to use this with SAP VIM in S4Hana. I cannot find any news about that in the official documentation, can you help me?

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Francesca,

I just found your question - and I think many other customers will be interested in a response. We added a note to the latest Release Notes of SAP Invoice Management:

"... supports besides ArchiveLink also storage type CMIS Content Server. For this scenario a content repository with storage type Logical Repository for Document Area ArchiveLink points to the CMIS repository (prerequisite OSS note 3030805)"

I hope you received this information already on other paths.




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