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Today more and more customers are adopting a full SuccessFactors Solution. From Employee Central to Compensation, Recruitment to Onboarding to Employee Central, Performance / Goal Management to Compensation and many more. As the implementation guidebooks provided by SuccessFactors gives us in-depth configuration solution for each individual modules, many a times integration between modules are not as detailed. A very common integration in SuccessFactors today would be Employee Central to Recruitment.

In this blog, I’ll go through a more detailed end to end step of defining the Recruiting Management integration to Position Management, configuring Business Rules, Position to Requisition field mapping and how to create a Job Requisition.


RCM to EC Integration must be enabled in Provisioning

Requisition Template ID has already been defined

Enable Position Management in Employee Central

Enable Manage Requisition in Position Org Chart

Configuring Integration with Recruiting Management from EC

Once both modules have been configured, we must enable the integration switch. Go to Admin Tools -> Employee Files -> Position Management Settings.

    • Under the Integration tab ensure Use Recruiting Integration is defined as “Yes”
    • Business Rule “GetReqTemplateID” is used to define which template ID is used when Requisition is triggered.
    • Business Rule “MapReqFields” is used to define the mapping between Position and Requisition fields.

Configuring Business Rules

Now we must configure 2 business rules for this integration to work. The first to derive the Template ID use for the job requisition create and the second to determine the field mapping between position and job requisition.

Here is my example of the get template ID rule.

Please ensure the following base object parameters are maintained.

In my scenario above, it is a simple case of having 1 universal template for all job requisition. For some customers, hourly wage or intern positions may require a different template.

The next rule I’ve created is to map the position fields into requisition.

Please ensure the following base object parameters are maintained.

Requisition Field must be populated with the correct Template field value (highlighted in yellow)

Field value is defined as the EC field (highlighted in red)

Access SFAPI Data Dictionary

One way for us to ensure the requisition fields are correctly defined in our mapping business rule is through the SFAPI Data Directory.

Go to Company Setting -> SFAPI Data Dictionary.

Scroll until you find JobRequisition.

Expand node.

Yellow Column captures the Template Field which needs to match the Requisition Field in our business rule.

Green Column captures the Requisition Field Label used on the Recruitment Requisition Form.

Create Job Requisition

Once all configurations have been completed, it is now time to test.

To create a requisition, go to Home -> Organization Info -> Position Org Chart (ensure that you are logged in is a Recruiter)

Select position in which Job Requisition required, click position and select Create Job Requisition

Specify Date of New Job Requisition and execute Create Job Requisition

Now click on the generate Req ID to access the Requisition Form

Now compare the fields defaulted on the Requisition Form against the Position Information.


The integration between SuccessFactors EC - Position Management and Recruitment Management certainly brings a benefit from a process stand point. Through a 3 step process of activating the integration switch, configuring 2 business rules; one to derive the template ID and the other to define the mapping, we are able to create a requisition directly from a position in the Position Org Chart. I'm truly excited to see what new features would be release by SuccessFactors each quarter.

Be sure to look out for my next blog about integrating Job Profile Builder with Requisitions.

Thank you,

Leon Lee

www.veritasprime.com | www.helpmycloud.com

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Thanks Leon for this nice summary. This integration is used by a majority of our position customers today.

A question that is often raised by customers is how to deal with changes that occur during the recruiting process. So for example when details of the job (job level, pay grade or similar) need to be adapted to find the right candidate.

In such a scenario our recommendation is to keep the requisition separate from the position and not seek to make immediate updates to the position. Once the candidate is hired to the position, you now have the choice to update the position with the changes that are resulting from the requisition.

0 Kudos

Thanks Heiko for sharing!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Leon. A very informative blog. I am able to configure the business rule successfully using the above guidelines. However, for certain fields the picklist values in position management and RCM does not match.

For Example:

Field: Department

External Code in Position Management: ADMIN15

External Code in RCM: Administration (TCEAS)

We have 5 fields which cannot be mapped due to the above reason.

Is there a way to configure those fields too. As per my understanding the External code should be same in both Picklists.

If “External Code in Position Management “ = “ External Code in RCM”. Then we should be able to configure the mapping. Is my understanding correct.

Thank you once again.

PS: I am waiting for the next blog too.. integrating Job Profile Builder with Requisitions.

0 Kudos

Hi Neelam,

I believe what actually gets passed over from the EC field mapping is the value not the code, hence you would need the Requisition field value to match the exact value and format. Keep me updated. Thanks!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Leon,

Excellent blog ! You did a great job explaining the integration between EC and Recruiting in a very detailed way.

Looking ahead for more blogs from you !

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you Leon. Yeah true the actual value gets passed, but the picklist external code should still be the same.

However, I have another question: We map the position fields to job requisition, is there a way we can pre-populate other details like compensation details, Interview guide basically the fields from the JPB in the Job Requisition.

The reason I want to map all these fields too, is the Job Req created from Position Org chart cannot be edited. So, in order to fill all the required information, we would need to pre-populate these fields using integration.

Thank you once again.

0 Kudos

Hi Leon,

Great blog! Thank you for explaining the integration in detail.

Looking forward for your next blog.

0 Kudos

Hi Neelam, let me try to understand you.

In the Job Profile Template, you have the Compensation Data setting to Show in Job Requisition? This is a free text field.

Similarly like competencies, it appears in another tab on the Job Req - Job Profile not Details which captures all the mapped data from Job Info.

What exactly are you trying to perform? Thanks!

0 Kudos

Thanks Kuncham!

0 Kudos

Thanks Gaurang!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Leon,

Nice blog.

Is it possible to create more than one job requisition from an existing position?

I've been working with the position-requisition integration and when a requisition has already been created from a position, the only option you have is to view the existing requisition, but NOT to create a new one from that same position.

This would be usefull in the following scenario:

  • A job requisition for 5 vacancies on 1 position is created and launched.
  • After a couple of weeks 5 more vacancies need to be added on the same position.
  • This can be the case for instance when several production line workers share the same position.

Maybe there is a workaround you know of?

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Maxime,

When you say launched, do you mean the req is completed?

I would say you would need to edit the number of vacancies in within the req itself.

Else you probably need to cancel the req and re-create it.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Leon,

Thanks for your feedback!

It is possible that the requisition is already completed, but not necessarily,

Editing the number of vacancies is an option if the addition of extra vacancies on the same position does not require an approval flow.

The case we are looking at does require the approval flow to be started however.

The workaround I'm looking at is to use the 'copy existing' functionality, but the disadvantage is that in the position org chart, the position is only visualy linked to 1 requisition.

Any suggestions are welcome!

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Members,

I configured all the three steps for integration of Position with Requisition creation, but when i click on 'create requisition' on the position, i'm getting error . "Creation of a requisition for position with external code 123 on 29/12/2015 failed.
Details: The Job Requisition Template 261 does not fulfil the criteria to be used for RCM Integration. Please check that all required fields are included in the template.

Please guide me in resolving this issue. below is the rule config

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jeevan,

To resolve this error make sure the mandatory fields present in the Position Object are included in the Job Requisition Template and with the same status. If something is mandatory in Position should be mandatory in Job Req Template as well.

Please do let me know if this resolves the issue.

Best Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Leon,

Any updates about the blog on integrating Job Profile Builder with Requisitions.

I am waiting, did not find any relevant information any where else.

Best Regards


0 Kudos

Excellent content Leon, very detailed.  Looking forward to reading your next one!

- Travis

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jeevan, could you please share how you resolved this issue?

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