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Como já deve saber, o governo português publicou a Portaria 195/2020 e, juntamente com o código QR, introduziu o Código de Documento Único (ATCUD) como um novo requisito legal.
Com o Despacho 351/2021.XXII publicado dia 11 de novembro de 2021, ATCUD será opcional em 2022 e obrigatório a partir de janeiro de 2023.

As empresas precisam obter um novo código de validação de série e usá-lo para gerar o ATCUD, sendo este um código único atribuído a documentos fiscais relevantes, como faturas e notas de crédito.

O ATCUD é reportado no ficheiro (SAF-T) e incluido no código QR. Ele deverá também ser incluido nos documentos impressos e eletrônicos.

Para mais informações sobre a solução de código QR, veja o blog post Código QR e ATCUD para Portugal: Fique por dentro das últimas atualizações da Portaria 195/2020.


A solução SAP

Um framework centralizado para gerir as séries e os códigos de validação AT por módulo será disponibilizado, suportando a comunicação manual e eletrônica.

Essa solução está planejada para estar disponível em duas fases:

  • Fase 1: Âmbito reduzido (serviços web não incluídos). Está planejado para ser disponibilizado em meados de novembro de 2021.

  • Fase 2: Funcionalidade relacionada aos serviços web. Está prevista para ser disponibilizada em meados de dezembro de 2021.


Os pré-requisitos

Existem algumas atividades de preparação que podem ajudar a acelerar as etapas de implementação assim que a solução estiver disponível:

Implementação de SAP Notes

Certifique-se de que implementou as SAP Notes relacionadas ao Despacho 8632/2014:

Comunicação com as autoridades fiscais

Pode utilizar os serviços da Web para comunicar automaticamente com as autoridades fiscais. Para esta comunicação, é necessário integrar o seu sistema com SAP Cloud Integration.

Para mais informações, consulte a SAP Note 2903776 ou entre em contato com seu gestor de conta SAP.

Atividades de configuração

Certifique-se de atualizar as configurações necessárias:

    • Crie novos intervalos de numeração e defina as respectivas séries únicas para assinatura digital. A nova nomenclatura deve seguir os requisitos legais (não são permitidos caracteres especiais). Para mais informações sobre as atividades de customizing, veja Customizing for Digital Signature of Invoices. Aguarde também as novas instruções que serão publicadas em breve.

    • Atribua os novos intervalos de numeração aos respectivos tipos de documento SAF-T.

    • Adapte os seus layouts de impressão para incluir o ATCUD nos formulários.

Poderá utilizar os intervalos de numeração e séries atuais enquanto prepara os novos intervalos de numeração. Após 1 de janeiro de 2022, deverá utilizar os novos intervalos de numeração.


SAP Notes lançadas e atualizadas em 2022

Agora você já pode consultar a nota coletiva 3154599 que lhe dará toda a informação relevante para a implementação da solução, inclusive nos diversos módulos (SD, FI, FI-CA, Settlement Management, etc.). Veja também a documentação incluída. Esta nota será atualizada sempre que for liberada a solução de um novo módulo.


Guia de solução de problemas e perguntas frequentes

Consulte o SAP Knowledge Base Article 3274103 para um guia de solução de problemas e respostas a perguntas frequentes para ajudar você no processo de implementação da solução.


Fique atento às notícias mais recentes

Fique atento! Pretendemos atualizar este blog regularmente.

Também pode verificar mais informações no grupo SAP Jam SAP Portugal Collaboration Forum. Se ainda não for membro deste grupo, envie sua solicitação de convite para o seguinte e-mail: marta.pereira@sap.com.

Fique à vontade para deixar seus comentários abaixo se tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestões para uma publicação futura. E não se esqueça de seguir a tag do SAP S/4HANA aqui na SAP Community para ficar atento às notícias mais recentes.

Até à próxima,

Ailane Kuhn

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization






ATCUD for Portugal: Get ready for the new legal requirement on Portaria 195/2020


Hi everyone,

As you might be aware, the Portuguese government published Portaria 195/2020 and, together with the QR code, introduced AT-Validation Code (ATCUD) as a new legal requirement.
With Despacho 351/2021.XXII published on November 11, 2021, ATCUD will be optional in 2022 and mandatory as of January 2023.

Companies need to obtain a validation code for their series and then use it to generate the ATCUD, which is a unique document code assigned to relevant documents, such as invoices and credit memos.

You must include the ATCUD on printed documents and in electronic invoices and also report the ATCUD via the Standard Audit File for Tax Purposes (SAF-T). It must also be included in the QR code.

For more information about the QR code solution, see QR Code and ATCUD for Portugal: Stay Tuned to the Latest Updates on Portaria 195/2020.


The SAP solution

A centralized framework to manage the Series and AT-Validation Codes across modules will be provided, supporting both the manual and the automatic communication.

This solution is planned to be available in two phases:

  • Phase 1: Reduced scope (web services not included), planned to be available not earlier than mid November 2021.

  • Phase 2: Web service-related functionality, planned to be available not earlier than mid December 2021.


The prerequisites

There are some preparation activities that could help you to speed up the implementation steps once the solution is available:

SAP Notes implementation

Make sure you have the SAP Notes related to Despacho 8632/2014 implemented:

Communication with the tax authorities

You can use webservices to communicate with the tax authorities automatically. For this communication, you need to integrate your system with SAP Cloud Integration.

For more information, see SAP Note 2903776 or contact your account executive.

Configuration activities

Make sure you maintain the required configuration settings:

    • Create new number ranges and define their unique series for Digital Signature. The new nomenclature should follow the legal requirements (special characters aren’t allowed). For more information about the Customizing activities, see Customizing for Digital Signature of Invoices. Further instructions will be published soon.

    • Assign the new number ranges to the respective SAF-T document types.

    • Adapt your print layouts to include the ATCUD in the forms.

Note that you can use the current number ranges and series while defining the new number ranges. After January 1, 2022, you must use the new number ranges.


New and Updated SAP Notes Released in 2022

The Collective Note 3154599 has been released with all the information you need to know about the solution implementation for ATCUD in different modules. You can also check the product documentation for more information.
This SAP Note will be updated every time there's a new solution release for the different modules. Stay tuned!


Troubleshooting Guide and FAQ

Check the SAP Knowledge Base Article 3274103 for a troubleshooting guide and answers to frequently asked questions to help you in the implementation process.


Stay tuned to the latest news

Stay tuned! We plan to update this blog post regularly.

You can also check out the SAP Jam group Portugal SAP Collaboration Forum. If you are not a member of this SAP Jam group yet, please send your invitation request to the following email: marta.pereira@sap.com           .

Feel free to leave your comments below if you have any questions or suggestions for an upcoming post. And don’t forget to follow the SAP S/4HANA tag here on SAP Community to stay tuned to the latest news.


See you next time,

Ailane Kuhn

#SAPGoGlobal #SAPLocalization
0 Kudos
Hi António

We will not update any longer RMINI_SAFTN. This means that ATCUD will not be updated in the solution, and other new requests.

So until ATCUD become mandatory (in some weeks) this can be accepted, but as soon as ATCUD become mandatory RMINI_SAFTN will no longer ne accepted.




0 Kudos
Hello Marta,


thank you for the quick reply. Do you know on which date it will start to become mandatory?


For the webservices SAP solution update, there is any date for the note release?


Thank you

Best Regards


António Santos
0 Kudos
Hi António

No idea.

This is only optional for the moment because they only deliver this request in the last weeks of December.

I think that maybe in the 1st quarter this could be optional, but I really don´t know and is not written in the requirement.


0 Kudos


Can anyone tell me how to exclude non digitally signed documents from the SAFT file please?  we have some documents which update accounting but are not sent to the customer and thus are NOT digitally signed.  View SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V with 'digital signature' blank.

This was previously allowed as per note 1713631, but then, the functionality was removed by SAP due to Governmental resolution Despacho 8632/2014.  But in this removal SAP did not consider some documents which are created when using the Standard SAP customer self-billing functionality whereby:

1- an internal billing document is created in our system

2- the customer sends us their self-billing document via EDI

 3- the customer document is reconciled with our internally generated document via VSB1

4- differences are posted from this tcode as debit/credit memo

 The customer sends us the SAFT file to be submitted for their self-billed document; therefore, our internally generated documents cannot be digitally signed or sent in the SAFT file we create for non self-billing customers.


Marta, I do not know if you are reading these questions anymore; I hope you are and that you please connect with your internal team to see what SAP solution provided for this since we are using STANDARD SAP functionality.

Looking forward to an answer or at least some directions.



0 Kudos
Hello All,


We are facing an issue in QR Code string 'G'(invoice number of Self Billing documents) post the implementation of ATCUD.

The length of invoice number stored in SIPT_RBKP table has increased to 24 characters due to the new series identifiers. The Invoice number field in standard utility class CL_SIPT_QRCODE_PT--header-invoice_no. is only 20 characters long. The last 4 digits are getting truncated. It would be helpful if someone can confirm this same issue happening in the QR Code details(tag G) of Self billing documents.

If there is no such issues can you please let me know the standard object that you are using which has enough length to print all the 24 characters of the invoice number stored in SIPT_RBKP.


Thanks in advance,

0 Kudos
Hi Marta:

We are facing the following issue when trying to enter the Series for ACTUD in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V.

ATCUD naming convention for series not enabled yet

Where I should enable the naming convention?.


As second issue I am unable to perform any action on table SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2

Display View _Number range and Document type Mapping__ Overview.png

Is this normal ?.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Juan Morales de Castro
0 Kudos
Hi Marta:

We are facing the following issue when trying to enter the Series for ACTUD in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V.

ATCUD naming convention for series not enabled yet

Where I should enable the naming convention?.


As second issue I am unable to perform any action on table SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2

Display View _Number range and Document type Mapping__ Overview.png

Is this normal ?.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Juan Morales de Castro
0 Kudos
Hi Maria

Want to check with you on how to address the scenario below :

There is a Series which we have allocated for Testing in the test Server and we now have a new series for the Production Server. We have assigned the Test Series to the New Number Ranges Number in table SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V

We need to use the Same Number Range Number (which we have created new) for Production and assign the Production Series to it.

We cannot change the Series attached to the Number Range Number as there are documents created against it.  But we need to Transport the same Number Range Number with a different series (Production series)

How do we manage this ?

Also can you explain how  and when one uses the "Finish Series" and "Cancel Series" in Tcode GLO_PT_SVC

0 Kudos

Hi Marta,

I have an issue about Self-billing without agreement.

In this situation AT said:
So how can I use the same ATCUD series for more than 1 vendor? Will SAP provide a solution?

Best Regards,
Marco Oliveira

0 Kudos
Hi Marco

The Selfbilling ERS solution implies that there is an agreement and that each vendor has it's own dedicated number range. In this scenario is not required a specific number range for each vendor. This implies that SAP ERS solution (dedicated for selfbilling) should not be used.

And this scenario is out of scope of the SAP solution


0 Kudos

Hello Marta,


We have a problem with the number range in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V.We already have digital signature and numnber range for it with start date. We need to keep same series now also for the ATCUD code.How we can achieve this in case we cannot have two number ranges for one Billing type? Can we stop the exisitng range and start from the next number in a new one and how to activate in case Start date is grayed out ?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

I would like to know the expected date on which SAP will make available the delivery comunication solution with AT, with the ATCUD information.

Best Regards

Silvia Ferreira
0 Kudos
Hi daniela.schobert

Any news on this topic about ATCUD in the webservice delivery documents to AT?

The AT started send email to customers with possible threat, if this issue is not resolved.



Best Regards,

Daniel Cunha
Hi Daniel,

Plz, check if you implement this note: 3293843 - Portugal: Web Service - ATCUD Code Mapping Changes

Best Regards,
0 Kudos
Hello, Marta, is there an SAP news about this topic? We're also being questioning about out accounting department on this topic.


Best regards,

0 Kudos

Olá Marta,

Implementámos a Nota 3293843 - Portugal: Web Service - ATCUD Code Mapping Changes, para enviar o ATCUD no WS para a AT.

Mas agora estamos com um erro :


Erro resolvido, faltava implementar o requisito: Note 3295176 - Portugal ATCUD in Outbound Deliveries: Data Utility for fetching Validation code.

No entanto, estamos a obter a seguinte mensagem de erro do WS:

Entrega aprovada. Mensagem de retorno de WS:Alerta: O documento não apresenta um ATCUD válido. Para efeitos de controlo de bens em circulação, deverá fazer-se acompanhar do documento de transporte imp

Nº mensagem BL001




0 Kudos
Hi Marco,

we had the same problem and implemented below SAP Notes,




0 Kudos
Hi Marta,

is it possible to get access to the work zone?

As Alberto already posted last year he tried to access the view SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2 via the spro. However it does not exist. So the only way right now is via the view on sm30. However by trying do display it I get a runtime error on SAPLSIPTCUST2. I have implemented the note  3137062. Any idea?


Thanks and Regards Alexandros

0 Kudos

Hi Martha,

We have a issue with GLO_PT_SVC. After testing End to End scenarios in Quality system we moved changes to Production. Surprisingly after 1 st Invoice generation the row belonging to series identifier got deleted in GLO_PT_SVC because of which we are getting ATCUD code as 0 in our Invoice. Entries for this Series identifier/invoice type exists in SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V and SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V2 but not in GLO_PT_SVC.

We have already raised incident to SAP. Do you have any idea what may be the cause for deletion of ATCUD code row from  GLO_PT_SVC.

Thanks & Regards,
