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Dear GRC Community,

as moderator of the GRC space I would like to hand out some general information of what is expected in a good discussion thread. Since I am following most of the threads in the GRC space I can easily identify if the question is going to be answered quickly or if it's going round in circles for several days.

As most of the contributors are volunteers and offer up their free time I would like to decrease the unproductivity and instead pointing the questions to more specific and helpful answers.

Prior to your first posting make sure that you have read and understood the rules of engagement: The SCN Rules of Engagement

The use of the search engine (that can be found on the top right corner) and also Google or any other is well appreciated as most of the content is already available here on SCN or SAP Wiki. To date, almost 12'000 discussions have been started on the GRC space including 400 documents and 180 blogs.

What is the minimum information required?

Please provide the following information in each discussion thread:

  • Detailed information on your current release and service pack level. It is enough to mention 10.0/SP12, 10.1/SP3, etc.
  • Already implemented SAP notes releated to your issue
  • Elaborate your business case (what you are trying to achieve, etc.)
  • Summarise what you have tried and also, if complicated, include a screen shot that helps to understand/explain (but make sure you remove any sensitive information)

Also never assume that your counterpart has the background information of your project or environment. Hence provide useful information especially when you are not using standard functionalities.

Please note that discussion threads that do not meet the minimum requirements will be rejected by the moderators.

Looking forward to your contribution in the GRC space.

Best regards,


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