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In various industries and organizations, it is usually a common practice to track the employee attendance through clock times. A requirement that comes up with having clock times as part of attendance tracking is to check if an employee has come to the site/factory at a time that is later than the acceptable clock in time. Sometimes this time may be 30 minutes after the planned start time (tolerance time) and sometimes there is no tolerance but a late comer may be spared from reprimand by allowing the occurrence in a particular time period say, one month, to not recur more than 3 times.

Sometimes, there are also cases when an employee clocks into the site/factory at the correct start time but clocks out earlier. In this case as well, companies may have their policy set such that a tolerance to an early clock out is built into their business process.

In either scenario, late comers, or early leavers, may face certain disciplinary actions such as an unpaid leave put into the system to log those hours that the employee was a late comer/early leaver.

Business Requirement

  1. If an employee is coming late to the site or leaves early from the site, the difference between the planned start time and actual start time should be considered as unpaid leave (absence from work)

  2. The time administrator should not need to manually check the clock times and ascertain if there are any deviations in the recorded working time vis a vis the planned (scheduled) working time.

  3. Instead, the system should be intelligent enough to identify and bring the slices of recorded times into unpaid leave records

  4. Lastly, the requirement is to enable the system to make this assessment and when a late coming or early leaving is detected, the system must make an automatic absence record for that day for the employee with the duration of the late coming or early leaving slice.

Simple Time Tracking Scenario for Late Coming or Early Leaving

In this blog, I have tried to build a simple variant of this requirement that considers only the following scenarios.

Conscious that the scenarios like clocking in and out before the planned working time and then clocking back in after 30 minutes of the planned start time should not be registered as a late coming; however, this scenario is not part of this blog and neither are those several other scenarios that are possible with/without tolerances and day types where there are no planned hours/no recorded working times at all. In the real-life build, these scenarios will also need to be built in and robustly tested to ensure the various conditions are met before roll out of the solution.

Process steps for the scenario handled in this blog

Technical Solution Steps to achieve the above client business requirement

Step 1: Create a Time Recording Profile:

In Manage Data – create a time recording profile with positive time recording method and a time recording variant of clock times

Step 2: Create time type groups for planned working time, recorded working time and to hold the difference between the planned and recorded working times

Step 2.1: Create time type group for planned working time

Step 2.2: Create time type group for recorded working time

Step 2.3: Create time type group to hold the difference between planned and actual working time

Step 3: Create a valuation rule to calculate the difference between the planned and recorded working time for identifying the gaps between the planned and recorded working time of an employee

Step 4: Create a time type group that would be used to identify the gaps within the start of recorded working time and start of the planned working time.

Note: A time collector will be used to store this value for creating an automatic absence through integration center

Step 5: Create a valuation rule that will filter the gaps between the start of the planned working time and the recorded working time.

Step 6: Create a time type group that identifies the gaps in the end time of the planned and recorded working times and collects it for auto creation of an absence through integration center

Step 7: Create a valuation rule that will filter the gaps between the end of the planned working time and the recorded working time.

Step 8: Assign the time valuation(s) to the time recording profile of the employee along with the other rules that may already be assigned to the time recording profile.

Step 9: Assign time recording profile to employee in job information.

Once the time recording profile is assigned to the employee in job information, the time collector value is created after the time sheet entries are made to reflect the scenario of late coming or early leaving.

We will also need a time type to be created for the creation of an absence automatically through integration centre.

Step 10: Create a time type to record the absence from either late coming or early leaving as below and assign to the time profile used for the test employee.

Step 11: Navigate to the integration center and create a new integration report as per the steps described below:

Step 11.1: Click on “My Integrations” to get started.

Step 11.2: Using the “Create” option on the upper right-hand corner, use the option of “More Integration Types”

Step 11.3: As shown below, use the relevant options and click on “Create”

Step 11.4: Give the report a name and a description as required. Once done, click on “Next” in the bottom right corner.

Step 11.5: Choose “Time collector” as the source entity and “Employee Time” as the destination entity.

Step 11.6: In the “Configure Fields” section we will make the mappings and set default values as required for the automatic creation of the absence based on the late coming or early leaving time collector values.

To make these mappings, we will use the mapping mode in the section for field detail view under the operation “Create/Post.” Perform the mapping between the required parameters as below:

Time Collector Employee Time
User (userId)

User (userId)
External Code

External Code
Approval Status

Hard code to "APPROVED"
Last Posting DateTime

End Date
Last Posting DateTime

Start Date

Step 11.7: In order to obtain the hours for the absence, we need to map the collector value to the fraction quantity of the employee time after division by 60 (to convert from minutes to hours) as below.

In the calculation trace, you can see that the employee is late to the office by 6.5 hours and this is calculated correctly.

Step 11.8: For the time type – we will again hard code the time type in the destination object as below to unpaid leave.

Step 11.9: Set up filter conditions based on the collector criteria 

Step 11.10: Set up the scheduling for the report to be run based on client requirements

Step 11.11: Review your integration center report and run


The integration centre is a very powerful tool to use in scenarios where the client requirement specifically needs to be achieved automatically. The automatic creation of absences is not only possible for time tracking related inputs but also for a range of other requirements like COVID related leaves, employer declared wellness absences to be auto created for entire population based on their location for example and several such requirements.

I will be adding more time tracking scenarios as well as enhancing this blog post with other scenarios applicable for late comers/early leavers. Please do leave your comments and provide me insights/scenarios that I can tackle in upcoming “releases” of this blog post.
Thanks Eeshwari,

its really very comprehensive information.

0 Kudos
Thanks, glad you found it useful!
Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello, very good blog, I have a question about the integration, once all the evaluations are created, in the time type groups of recorded working time, the type of time that we want to deduct must be assigned, at the same time a working time account type is created and assigned to the time profile and added in another time type, so that it can be go deduct these time records:

when I do these steps and try to run the integration again I get the following errors:

Could you help me identify why this is happening please?

0 Kudos
Thanks Eeshwari,

We are working on late coming scenario configured as you have mentioned but when we are assigning a profile to employee we are getting error message.

Error -

The result for time type group SG_CLT_DWT / (not valuated) is not calculated based on any time valuation assigned to your time recording profile. However, this group is used as input group, threshold group, comparison group or deduction group by a time valuation in your profile. Please have an administrator review your time recording profile and assign another time valuation that calculates time type group SG_CLT_DWT / (not valuated).
Great blog!

This process is capturing the missing hrs between planned and recorded and then using that gap to apply unpaid leave, incase just want to count the how many times employee came late and left office early then how we can achieve that, can you please help me to understand that case.
Hi Ashish

You will need to create a new time collector (Time type group with the time category as Counted events) and then create a time valuation that collects these occurrences into this time collector.

Two different counters will be needed to count late coming and early going.

The time valuation rule used to count these events will need to be of the type "Compare threshold with input groups and count events" - basically we are checking if the clock times (in/out) are falling above or below the planned in/out times.

Hope this is a helpful hint for you to build your rules. Good luck!

0 Kudos
Hi Eeshwari,

Thank you so much for the support and help, we are trying to send these count to payroll system but collector type do not support time pay type = Yes.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
If you want to sent to payroll you can create a normal time valuation result that contains the difference. You don´t need the collectors then.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Nice blog - and good creativity. Congratulations!

The only downside is that the time collector gets created immediately, regardless of the approval status of the time sheet. But for many customers this won´t be a problem. So, good approach !

Best regards

0 Kudos
Thanks a lot, Volker Ruof! Means a lot, coming from you! 😊


0 Kudos

@ashishsingh2 - Yes, you can't send a time collector to ECP. However, you don't need to - that's the beauty of it. Knowing both solutions I recommend this design, first use a time valuation rule that creates the collector value (and raises alerts if that's a requirement) for the number of late coming/early leaving occurrences. This rule will only be used for that purpose of raising an alert in the EC timesheet

Design another rule to create and send time pay types to ECP irrespective of whether or not this occurrence has surpassed the minimum threshold value for the month/year/quarter etc. In ECP, put in a cumulation in T54C3 table and check if the threshold is surpassed in payroll run through a PCR. if yes, create the deduction wage type for those hours to be deducted. If not, discard. 

Sounds perfect? 😊 

0 Kudos

This blog is very well done. Congratulations. My question is if I want to limit the annual overtime to, for example, 200 hours.

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