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Currency conversion in People Story reports


We are a global company and trying to build a headcount in employee numbers and base compensation $$s. Our compensation information is stored in employee's base currency. Have any of you built such story that can group all employees data in USD by applying currency exchange rates?

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I have not yet created such a report as I have not found a good way to do so. My thoughts on building such a query would be to create a long if-calculation on a new value (e.g. USD-base compensation) with all the currency conversion rates for the current year. This would mean that it would need to be refreshed every year.
I.e. if only USD, DKK and SEK existed as currencies:

If(currency="DKK", base salary*7.4, if(currency=SEK, basesalary*6.4, base salary)))

Then I would use that new field "USD-base compensation" in the story.

But as it seems like a tedious and not too clever way of calculating it, I have not tried it out yet, so I am following along if you get a good reply from someone else on this issue.


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We finally ended up building a custom currency conversion table. That seems to have done the trick. We associated table to location. Original attempt was to associate it to currency but that did not work. At this point though we have a solution in place and would be happy to share with anyone interested. 

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Hi @prachisathe, we are working in similar project and tried many different option. Did you create a "manual" conversion table using the "calculated" field in the query builder? this should be something simple to report out, but we have this gap in all SF reporting since a while.
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We created Custom Currency Conversion MDF object and associated it with location. We are uploading currency mapping every month using an upload process. This allows us to see the base labor cost difference caused by currency changes.
Thanks @prachisathe, that's a good turnaround. We already have our currencies conversion loaded in default tables in SF which is linked to the Legal Entity tables. We are able to get the conversion rates in Canvas report, but still not available in Story. Hope SF will add this table in Story to not duplicate and create a separated MDF as you are doing. Thanks for sharing.
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I am dealing with the same thing for a client. Can you share your solution?