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Recruiting - Hide the "Create New Job Requisition from Blank Template"

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we have in our system two roles:

  • TAP (Talent Acquisition Partner)

For manager in permission role we mark:

  • Hide the "Create New Job Requisition from Blank Template" option on the create requisition page

The issue appears when TAP is also MANAGER.

At that moment when someone in manager and tap at the same time, doesn't have an access to create Create New Job Requisition from Blank Template (because of Hide the "Create New Job Requisition from Blank Template" option on the create requisition page for manager role).

We would like to have situation that person who is manager and tap at the same time, have an option to Create New Job Requisition from Blank Template.

For manager (only) create new Job Requisition from Blank Template should be invisible.

Is there any way to configure system, that being in two roles, You can still see 'create jr from blank template'?

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