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Cloud Application Programming

This is my learning which I have acquired after learning the basics part of how the architecture is. I will soon make a blog on how its working principles , the way this technology manages to make development more smooth and efficient

What is Cloud Application Programming?

A framework of libraries, that has a mixture of open-source and SAP technologies. In simple way we can understand CAP as CLOUD APPLICATION PROGRAMMING, a joint combination of all the flavours to bring out robustness, enhanced efficiency, and flexibility.

CAPM offers a more structured and seamless framework for data modelling and enhancing integration with services


KEY - Features:

  • Simplified Development Process for both Frontend and Backend Developers.
  • Due to rich data modelling concept and service implementation, it easily handles large volumes of data.
  • Flexible to allow developers easily adapt to business requirements by extending data models or modification of functionalities or integration with external system.
  • Integration with other SAP technologies like SAP HANA, SAP Cloud Platform and SAPUI5.

How to setup a development environment?

  • We can install the Business Application Studio to do a setup. We then require a Cloud Platform Account to access the same.
  • Install CAP tools extension for the Visual Basic Studio Code.
  • Install SAP Fiori Tools Extension.
  • Install HANA database (optional).
  • Configure GIT Repository.

First we need to open our Trial Account at BTP cockpit. Then we need to add services from the marketplace , assign roles to the respective user, then goto Business Application Studio and click Go To Application as shown in the image

BusinessApplication Studio.jpg

Setting up the Environment

BusinessApplication Studio2.jpg


BusinessApplication Studio1.jpg

Once The BAS opens we find a screen like this , where we can select the CAP project and everything gets setup from the backend services.




Click the selected options


Select the options


The project gets generated 


Please install required environment from the Terminal which does all the job and sets up the environment

Execute the program using Terminal. 





Like this we can develop our applications without switching to multiple editors.





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